Fighting for optimism

Well good grief. I’ve had more than enough crap dumped on me this week. Oh–did I mention my mom called wanting to process yesterday? Oy.

I have decided that even though the universe had dumped a lot of crap on me (literally–did I mention that the waterfall was from a busted toilet? Good grief.) I’m not going to get super upset. The pipe problem can be fixed and will be really quickly because the apartment complex doesn’t want to deal with long-term damage from it. I wanted to buy a new car in September and I guess that will just be moved up a bit. And for the next 10 days I have the usage of a friend’s car because I am house sitting for him anyway and he is a super-spiffy-sweet-guy. Did I mention that the house has a hot tub? It won’t suck for the next 10 days.

I have a huge mountain of grading to do, but I also have lots of in-class time and out-of-class time to do it. I will definitely finish. I’m confident. And of course my Noah will fix the stupid cell phone issue. 🙂 (I need my charger back.)

My summer will be a little more expensive than planned. This definitely knocks Spain off the calendar despite my secret hopes that I would still make it despite ridiculous air fare.

Oh! And last night I got to beat the stuffing out of a hot, wonderful, sweet girl. And I had a good meeting with the guy who is probably doing my tat. I’m excited all the way around. Speaking of more expensive stuff… But it’s ok.

Everything will be ok. I sent an apology to the guy I was a nasty bitch to on Monday. My conscious feels a little better. I know I still need to work on figuring out why I have that reaction, but I feel marginally less shitty about it.

Ok. On to grading. Maybe now people will stop thinking I am on the verge of tears. 😉

5 thoughts on “Fighting for optimism

  1. angelbob

    Oh hey – you may know this by now, but your cellphone charger is in your luggage at your house. My bag is there as well because you packed a bunch of the extra clothes you brought home in it, so I just used it to tote ’em.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      I did not know this yet. 🙂 I won’t know it until much later–but thank you!!! *hugs*

      I’ll give you a call tonight and whine at you as a result. 😀


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