
So hey–Short List people!

Tonight my boys are off doing stuff and I don’t feel so hot. So I am hereby letting people know that I would be interested in spending some time with someone tonight. 🙂

Caveats: I’m sick. This is a strictly no hanky panky offer. I don’t really want to drive because: I’m sick.

So, anyone want to come pat me on the head and sit in the hot tub with me?

4 thoughts on “Buckshot

  1. ex_loren_q

    dinner schmooze?

    Sounds like you’re not up for going out, but if you are the SCCLA DinnerSchmooze is tonight in SJ (actually it’s the 2nd thursday of the month).

    I promised I’d go, otherwise I’d be at your place, petting your lovely hair, regaling you with the sad tale of my broken foot (no boots, wahhhh) and other stuff.

    miss you cutie


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