No rest for the wicked

Still sick.
Need to buy a car before Monday
I’m really upset about not knowing about my job. I cried when I left.
I leave for New York in 11 days and I’m still not sure what I’m doing/where I’m sleeping.
There are bugs of some sort infestingmy couch. I’m thinking that it needs to just *go* today.
I have to start thinking about moving.
Toooooooooooo much else to think about
Shit. looks like the bugs are not just in the couch. fuck fuck fuck.

11 thoughts on “No rest for the wicked

  1. angelbob

    I’m really upset about not knowing about my job.


    Like, not knowing where/how/something you’re coming back next year, or what?

    Also: sorry to hear about bugs 🙁

        1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

          Re: A bed in NY – yours if you want it

          I will be arriving on the 21st and it is an overnight flight so I will probably want to go straight to her house and crash. I leave on the 11th of July but I won’t be in NY the whole time. I know I won’t be in NY from Friday June 30th through Monday June 3rd. I think after that I will be heading up to Boston for a bit.

          1. courtneydisney

            Re: A bed in NY – yours if you want it

            Her bed is taken for that period – she’s always got visitors using her house as a stopping point, and this time it’s her best friend from Sunnyvale.

            I’m so sorry to disappoint – hopefully she can help out some other time.

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