Busy busy busy

The last couple weeks have involved many a deviation from my plans, but such is life.

I now own a really spiffy Prius. Yay! I walked onto a lot and said, “I want!” And he went and got it for me. How cool is that? No waiting for me.
I moved in with Noah. It happened faster than we planned, but my life works like that. I now get the daunting task of making this house somewhere I am happy living. 🙂 I forsee lots of painting and fixing up in my future. Not till July though. It has to wait until after New York.
Oh, I leave for New York in seven days. *squeel*

Today I need to:
Unpack more and start getting settled.
Get the last load from my apartment.
Turn in my keys.
Have dinner with a friend.
Stress over weird drama with a boy I’m having a date with on Friday. (Ok, I don’t need to do this–but I will.)
Oh, and I need to go see the jeweler to see if I like the mock up of the ring. You know–the ring.

13 thoughts on “Busy busy busy

  1. light_emerges

    Congratulations on everything! Your life does change rather quickly but luckily it’s for the best.

    As they say, “You make plans and then God laughs.” However, his laughter this time was that of joy.

  2. tshuma

    Weird, I’d thought I already said “congratulations” here, but I guess not. Better late than never, and I said it in person anyway. I’m glad to see you both so happy and getting what you want! Congratulations. =)

  3. blacksheep_lj

    Woot! This is what happens when I read backwards, so I’ll say it here! Dooooood! YOu are having a GREAT week. Congratulations a zillion times around. I’m so happy such great things are happening for you right now. You deserve it. *hugs*


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