Hey! Cool!

A friend posted his grades today and that prompted me to think about mine.

Not too sucky! Yay!

Twentieth Century Poetry: A
Seminar in Performance Culture: A-
Seminar in the History of Rhetoric: A-

Now, if only they didn’t subtract for -s. Damnit. Only a 3.8.

But my overall GPA at this school is 3.54. This isn’t superb, but it’s respectable.

2 thoughts on “Hey! Cool!

  1. cortneyofeden

    Congrats! What I noticed on mine is that the semester GPA is dinged for the A-, but that the cumulative doesn’t. So it does suck that they do that, but I think that it’s the cumulative GPA that matters, right?

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      Technically for me, it doesn’t much matter at this point at all. Unless I *fail* a class I am on track to graduate after one more class and my comp exam.


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