Hey everyone!

Clicky on this link and pass it along. I am so about encouraging this kind of thing.


(The story is: this guy made a website and if he gets 5 million hits his girlfriend will participate in a threesome. I’m so into this idea. heh. The site is overall worksafe though there is a little video where they talk about it a bit. No indecent pictures or anything.)

9 thoughts on “Hey everyone!

  1. flyinamazon

    Okay, I just don’t play this game…

    And I had to give them an email address. If it’s spam I know how to filter it, but I’d love to see what ummmm…. comes of this.

  2. teamnoir

    You know, it wouldn’t take but a few seconds to write a script that would hit it over and over and over and over and…

    Guess it depends on how he’s counting “hits”.

  3. tsgeisel

    As if I’m not already getting enough spam on my gmail account. What’s one more mailing list, anyway?

    And if it’s really real, so much the better…

  4. anima_fauxsis

    I don’t know. I kind of find the idea of coercing your girlfriend into a threesome with another girl kind of lame and dull. Now, coercing your boyfriend into a threesome with another guy…. well *that’s* something.

  5. fuzzyturtle

    It’s a marketing scam. Basically, some group starts a chain-email with some story or another that entices people to click on a link. When they do, they see an ad of some kind. It can be an experiment, or it could be that whoever put it together is getting paid everytime someone clicks on the link to the ad.


    and not directly related, but a better source that corroborates other statements made on the Wikipedia page:


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