And well snugled and well… other things.
But mostly, I got to send lots of quality time with my conversational studmuffin. Life is good.
And well snugled and well… other things.
But mostly, I got to send lots of quality time with my conversational studmuffin. Life is good.
the mind reels at how much conversation Noah might have stored up in 2+ weeks.
Don’t worry — email, LJ and phone have been helping me blow off that pressure
Heh. I know they’ve been talking a fair bit anyway, but….yeah. That was pretty much my first thought also.
Yeah. 4 hours didn’t make a dent. Yay!
someday we have to put Karen and Noah in a room and sneak out to do something fun while they yack at each other for 24 hours straight :-P.
*giggle* Just the idea of this made me very happy. I suspect that all four of us would be deliriously happy.
Glad to have you back!
Miss you much!
Thanks for the card!
That is all.
You live nearer me now. You won’t have to miss me as much.
True that! Although I’m pretty much confined to daylight hours these days.
That is one of those great things about being a teacher on summer break.