This puppy is long, so read only if you find yourself bored or such.
FYI: I didn’t filter this to a dirty filter so some people may want to skim more than normal. This is your warning.
Goodness! This was quite a trip for me. This is the longest I have ever been on a trip by myself even with coming home five days early. I feel a little sad about missing out on the last bit, but seeing Noah outweighed any disappointment. I didn’t quite manage the travelogue through postcards the way I wanted, and I didn’t get to everyone on my postcard list. But I did send more than 20! I will write a few more over the next few days so people don’t feel left out. J They will all be mailed before my scheduled return date—how about that?
Going around NY by myself was actually pretty cool. I thought I would have a harder time with it than I did. I had a whole lot of wandering around during the day. I didn’t quite get to all that I wanted to do, but I don’t think two months would have been enough—and I still haven’t had “New York” pizza. I guess I will have to stick with Amici’s; good thing I like them so much. I did have the Best Pastrami Ever and I’m happy about that. And anyone who can point me at a place to get good pierogi (spel?) in the ay area will be owed a huge favor. Oh, and soup dumplings. They are pretty awesome. (I got to spend a couple of days having meals with a very nifty guy who showed me some of the bestest food ever. He’s interesting in general so that was very cool.)
I have decided to not have the same reaction to Bergdorf’s that I had to Disneyland Paris. For those catching up on the story: I went to Disneyland Paris for my graduation from college present to myself. We spent a week and a half in London and then crossed the tunnel. We packed for London, which was freezing, and Paris was having a ridiculous hot spell. My ass wouldn’t fit into the clothes in France so I came home from that trip and worked for more than a year and lost about 50 lbs. Just because Bergdorf’s thinks I am fat [6 is the new 14 after all] doesn’t mean I am going to work on losing more weight. Screw them. And I am amused that I just don’t have the taste to be a socialite. I thought about 95% of the clothes were butt ugly. Although I did try on a $3,000 cocktail dress from Chanel that fit like a dream and was beautifully flattering—one dress in the whole store. (I’m surprised that Chanel made anything in my size at all. It was a basic sheath dress in black. Ha! I could find the same damn thing at Ross for $20. I would not make a good rich chick. Heh, I guess I do have a pair of $75 jeans, but I swear I looked for jeans that fit me for months before I walked into a higher end store out of desperation. They make my ass look great.
I had a lot of fun at FAO Schwartz and during the little time I spent in Central Park (getting lost repeatedly). The Village was amazing because of the small town feel. I liked it a lot. Yeah, and I have I mentioned the food? All but one meal was fabulous and that wasn’t awful. I ate a Sundae the size of my head at FAO Schwartz and amazed the employees by basically finishing it by myself. J
The hardest parts of that leg of the trip were nights. For some reason I am less comfortable going out alone at night, which lead to a whirlwind almost courtship with the desk guy, Rodney. He was a very nice boy from Cleveland Ohio and by the time I left he had a serious crush. We spent the evenings talking about culture and religion and music. For whatever reason on this trip I felt the need to introduce many people to Hampton and the Hampsters. Some were grateful, some now hate me, but I feel it is my service to FUN music. On the last night he didn’t want to let me go to bed so as a consolation I gave him a chaste peck that caused a huge grin. If only he had any idea what I do on the weekends he would have been sad at only getting that. The only part that I felt guilty about was: I didn’t mention my boys. I didn’t go out of my way to avoid disclosing anything but he never asked and I didn’t bring them up. I’m not even sure why. It isn’t as if I am ashamed or super private. I think I just didn’t want to have to explain my freakiness and my sense of fairness wouldn’t let me mention Noah without mentioning Spot. I’m sure this will come up again someday and be hard for me again.
While I was in NY I learned a little lesson about having appropriate expectations. It wasn’t the most fun I have ever had, but I’m ok with how things played out. I’m into personal growth—right?
Traveling with Bridgett was quite an experience. I went from NY down to the con with her and her crew. For a little while we were the most hated people in Manhattan as we struggled with the baggage. Oh well. It was interesting how several potentially tense moments worked themselves out if we gave one another just a bit of space. Yay for space! I also got to learn that her stalker is one of my heroes for being able to tell off nasty old ladies in the most polite language imagineable. And Scout seems to be my musical soulmate. I Scout. Being the nexus of any grouping is an odd and often awkward place to be, and Bridgett does it far better than I do. One of the lessons I would like to learn from her is how to be better about letting other people take care of their own happiness and entertainment in the moment. It works far better than my control-freakness does.
And in NY we got rescued by the best slave ever. He is one of the coolest people I have had the good fortune to run into in a long while. I actually met him at Shibaricon, but he was feeling more shy then. This weekend he started feeling a bit more comfortable and showed me more of his personality. He has a calmness and strength that I don’t know if I have ever encountered before. He is also attentive and respectful and very submissive without being a lame doormat. Much impressiveness. He can also be snarky AND respectful. Who knew that could coexist?!?!
At the con I also got to see A, who is one of the lovely Boston people. He was my cuddle buddy and a better one I can’t imagine. Ok, maybe Noah is a little better, but that is mostly cause of the sex. J A has hands as magical as the Massage God’s and he woke up and rubbed me every morning. No wonder I was in a good mood! I didn’t get to spend nearly enough time with J at the con, though we made up for a lot of that by having a really great conversation on the drive home. I respect her words so much. I am always happy when we get talk time.
But the con! The con was very cool. I didn’t get to that many classes—probably only seven or eight total. But I really enjoyed what I made it to. Given the kind of shit I am, it is better that I only go to classes that really spark my interest and getting that many in one weekend was pretty much a miracle. Thanks Boymeat. I stuck pretty heavily on the M/s track and that lead to a lot of thinking about stuff that I will delve into at a later time. I really enjoyed going to two classes with SF presenters and ending up with a date for Saturday night and a rain check on a beating sometime soon back in SF. Yay for hitting on the presenters while they are teaching! J I got a bit too chatty in the Swingers class cause while I may not technically know much about “swinging” I know a lot about being slutty.
Friday night was a bit odd. After the auction, which I went to for moral (immoral?) support—I have no money—I went back to the bar to chat with people and watched some incredibly inappropriate behavior from some people who should bloody well know better. While the rest of the table was staring and gossiping about how inappropriate it was I marched my bossy butt right up to the people and told them they needed to stop their crap as we were in a public place and they have no right to flaunt their sex life in front of the hotel staff who probably doesn’t want to see it. They acted chagrined and said they didn’t know. Bullshit. These were people who have been around the scene for 10+ years. And later the stupid cunt made a nasty comment to my drinking companion about the overabundance of heavy women. I seriously wanted to punch her ancient, haggard, ugly face. Oh! And then there was the incredibly drunk pro dom who was telling me how my body stocking was inferior because it wasn’t some expensive brand. I was not getting a good impression of that little crew at all and I am very glad I don’t live near them. Stupid cunts. And later that night I got to spend some time defending my physical boundaries from a creepy guy who was trying to touch me inappropriately. *sigh* Friday was not my best night ever. I did meet a few really nifty people though.
Saturday was much better. J and the best slave ever and I went to dinner with some very interesting people. They asked if they could interview me about my Insex experience and I was quite happy to do that. (A now defunct super explicit bdsm porn site.) We set it up for much later that night. But first a play date with a wonderful lady. I tied her to a chair and beat the stuffing out of her legs. Because she was late to our date and she had a later playdate I told her that she had used up her warm up time. (I know she is a heavy bottom.) I also know she is a thud person so I made my fists hurt all the next day cause I punched her so much and so hard. But shhhhhh, she doesn’t need to know that I get to secretly bottom when I top. After that I worked out music with Bridgett and headed off to the interview. It was a lot of fun to talk to them about my experiences. It was weird to think about how much that site changed my playing and relationship history. When that was through I went to the room and called Spt and talked for a bit before passing out by about 1:00am. I am such a wuss.
Sunday night I helped Bridgett with the dinner show. I was reminded that I am far too type A for art or performance. I almost went into an apoplectic fit because things weren’t happening smoothly enough for me. Oy. Everything worked out though. The Nazi chick dumped a bunch of chocolate syrup all over the stage, which I got to clean up in a hurry. She is not my favorite person ever. The piece I did with Bridgett was massively fun and hot. After the show I went for a swim to cool down. Yay swimming. Then I cleaned up and went up to the Swingers Meet n Greet which was listed as couples only but the organizer told me—wink, wink, nudge nudge, and single women. Perfect. I had a blast! After doing the show with Bridgett people started initiating conversation with me so I felt tons more comfortable. I suck at introducing myself cold. Then I found some liquid courage in the hopes that some flirting might pay off. Boy howdy did it. I found a hot libertarian lawyer from NY who can discuss the finer points of a wide variety of literature, oh baby. He could even talk nerdy to me. I was sold for a nights diversion. We went upstairs and proceeded to have some really hot role play involving one of my biggest hot buttons, and I won’t tell you what. I stumbled back to my room around 7:30am and discovered that I had forgotten my key. Doh! Good thing J and her slave like me. J A had gone home the night before so I didn’t feel bad about ditching my snuggle buddy. Then I got up at 9:30 to make it to the class on swinging. I do love timing.
That was the only class I was awake attend on Monday. I tried to be social but was mostly surly or silent from sleep dep. J and her slave and I had really good Pho for lunch though. Then we went back to the con and J taught and I passed out in the hallway. Dear God I was tired. Then we had an interesting drive home. Woof.
The Boston leg was very restful. I like spending time with J and A but unfortunately they were catching me as the homesickness was getting more intense and then Noah asked to fly me home early. I tried to resist—really I did! But he is very persuasive. So I came home five days early.
I am sad that I didn’t get to spend more time with J and A, and D in Boston. I swear I was looking forward to dinner and playing. And then there were many people in NY I wanted to get to know better in person but I guess we will just have to make use of ye olde intarweb instead. It was a really great trip despite a few small bumps and I am so happy I went. Yay!
(And now there are at least 5 people on the east coast who know that I am the Princess. Yay!!!)
And I’m hoping that some hotties will find their to my coast…. Hint hint…
They make my ass look great.
Sure, but how tough is that?
Most jeans completely flatten my ass and are not terribly flattering. The cut on these allows for an actual bit of bubble so I look like I do have an ass.
This is the problem with slacks…I have a decent ass, but it never gets shown off because I wear loose slacks all the time.
*sigh* If only they made comfortable jeans…
Eh, my ass is so not flat but lots of jeans do that to it too. I don’t know who their making em for.
Wow, what an update. Guess I got my address in too late. Great detail, I felt like I was seeing what you saw.
It all sounds lovely sweet. Kudos to you for giving yourself such fun times.
Insex experience?
So what was your Insex experience? Incidentally, some of the Insex classics are back on line at .