29 truths and 1 lie.

I saw this as a meme when I was journal-surfing. I liked it. I will now tell you 30 things and only one of them will be untrue. Comments will be screened for 48 hours as people guess which one they think is a lie. I will respond to the comments (And keep them screened) until the end of that period when the winner(s) will get some sort of prize to be determined later.

1. I hate to vacuum.
2. I eat McDonald’s in every country I travel to.
3. In the third grade I was beaten every day at school.
4. I am the youngest of four children.
5. During my lifetime I have attended 31 schools.
6. I am a high school drop out.
7. I spent many/most of my formative years not living with my nuclear family.
8. As a teenager I pierced my ear with a needle in my bedroom.
9. I have been admitted to psych wards multiple times.
10. I am obsessed with movies and books that depict Christian theology.
11. I have a high school diploma.
12. I was interviewed twice about my reaction to Clinton being elected as President during his initial inauguration.
13. In high school the vice principal walked in while I and three friends were playing strip hearts and he didn’t stop us.
14. I once took Karate classes for six weeks but I had to stop for emotional reasons.
15. I was thrown into a pool before I was a year old and not retrieved.
16. I have twice left on three week trips and ended up coming home early because I couldn’t handle the homesickness.
17. I have left the country to travel with someone I had maybe four dates with before the trip.
18. I have gone to another country with an ex when we otherwise weren’t speaking.
19. I have broken my left arm twice and my right arm once.
20. I have more had more than 125 stitches in my body.
21. My hair was completely straight when I was a child.
22. I was an assistant stage manager for the same show twice in six months.
23. I managed to randomly flirt with a complete stranger on OkCupid and later discover that I was the fourth girl that he and my primary had dated at the same time.
24. I have never passed out from drinking alcohol.
25. I have dated people who were no longer the gender they were born.
26. I flipped a student off in class.
27. My brother once deliberately encouraged one of his friends to beat me up because he wanted to watch.
28. I can’t swim in a dark pool at night without being terrified that some monster is going to eat me.
29. I have walked on ground that was probably never walked on by a human before.
30. I went skinny dipping in Australia outside the shark net area.

36 thoughts on “29 truths and 1 lie.

  1. tsgeisel

    6 and 11 seem a bit contradictory, but there’s plenty of room inside of you for contradictions. And I really want #13 to be true, so I’m not going to guess that.

    And there are some scary ones in there that I wish weren’t true, but you’ve talked about some of what you’ve gone through in life, so I know some of them are.

    I have not noticed number 10, so I’m going to go with that one.

  2. angelbob

    I don’t think I knew you hated to vacuum. Good for me to know 🙂

    #24, if I’m remembering right. But I probably don’t really count 😛

    And there are several others I just don’t know about you offhand. I didn’t know you swam outside the shark net in Australia, for instance.

  3. tsgeisel

    As someone who’s hair was dead straight until puberty, I definitely believe #21, but I bet a lot of people won’t. You say “dated” in #25; I’m willing to bet you can take that statement farther.

    31 seems like a big number, so I’ll say #5. And, other than that, I’m not going to guess anymore.

  4. cyranocyrano

    I’m gonna have to go with #11 just because it’s too simply declarative and thus looks like the odd man out.
    And as far as #13, I wouldn’t stop you either. Thanks for more hot fantasies.

  5. noirem

    21. My hair was completely straight when I was a child.

    I know I’ve seen pictures of you, but I think your hair was pulled back… But I’m gonna go with this one anyway.

  6. sirkenandsubg

    I do not know you that well yet *wink wink* but I think #21 is false. I knew a girl who had straight hair as a child and after getting her hair permed it stayed curly till this day. Although her curls are different than yours or I could be wrong.

    Some really interesting things on the list I am curious which one is the lie.

  7. cyranocyrano

    Aw. No prize for me. q: I’ve at least known you long enough to know a good handful of them are true, I’d like some others to be. (: (Admittedly, #26 does not speak of a professional and upstanding authority figure but it still seems like something that might happen given the right circumstance.)


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