
On the net today there is a picture of me. The caption says:

“There are some people who wear T-shirts saying “Fight Censorship” andother people who take off their clothes in public, and refuse to putband aids over their nipples when asked to.”

I didn’t have the t-shirt on.

15 thoughts on “Silly

      1. angelbob

        Google also takes time to find things. It has a program called a web spider that reads through web pages and makes (internal Google) links to things. Google’s spider used to take a couple of weeks to find/refresh everything on the web, though I’ve heard it’s down to a few days now.

        So if it was just posted, maybe it’s not indexed yet.

        1. evilcyber

          Isn’t that my line?

          Some stuff gets crawled more often/faster than other stuff. (eg:

          *goes back to watching spiders crawl over things*


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