My school is seriously desperate for English teachers. We are down by 3 full time teachers. (This means we have 15 class sections to place.)
This means we are cutting small class sizes for the freshman–this will eliminate the need for 7 of those class sections. But we are still short of teachers for 8 sections. Two people have gone back to full time from part time and they are begging people to take an extra section.
I volunteered. It looks like I will probably be teaching six classes next year. It will be an extra $7K/year. I made the request that it be an extra section of English 3 and not Comp & Lit for that class will be more stressful for me. We’ll see. This would put a bit of an accelaration towards paying off my student loan debt.
The extra load of grading will probably pretty much eliminate my social life this year. Hm. I’m telling myself that I am doing this for the good of my school and for the students and the extra money won’t suck. Scary though. I move from 20% to 120%. Dude! This looks like my life! ha.
Wow, you mean your taking on extra work, earning more money, getting yourself out of debt, and probably earning points with the administration that will improve you likelyhood of getting tenure — at the expense of your social life?
Novel concept!!
(ask noah why I find this amusing if you haven’t already figured it out)
You said this to me, so you know you are opening up yourself to a response you won’t like.
If you feel so strongly about this, why have you sat on your ass for years instead of getting a job?
your missing the reference…
unlike you I appear to not have marketable skills.. .which is why I’m back in school.
Dude! Sweet!
So the English 3 would be another section of something you’re already prepping for, correct? Not just a floater section?
I’m sure you can handle it. You rock. And since you have a lovely boy at home, it makes your social life much more convenient. Besides, you’ll be far too busy with your other planning to have time for anything else.
Rock on, girl. I think it’s good.
You’ll be great.