I am so incredibly on edge it isn’t funny. The slightest things set me off. Last night Noah made a rather silly comment and I took it very personally and basically threw a temper tantrum and left the room to sleep in the guest room. It seemed like a better option than continuing to be petty and stupid and nasty. It seems like everything is over the top right now. Proportionate reactions are a thing of the distant past. Although, in our defense–when we stop the nastiness and get around to actually trying to figure out what happened it is taking less and less time. I’m hopeful.
My therapist had some lovely things to say about my family. When I said I felt bad about being so angry she said, “Uhm, sounds like they are assholes and you should be angry” and when I asked her for advice on how to handle their manipulations better without yelling she said, “Oh, you mean how can you give them more of what they want and still not feel like shit about it?” She so has me pegged. Still not easy though. I haven’t figured out what I am going to do about them. Given that within the next month we need to send out save the date announcements for the wedding my current plan is to just not send any to anyone in my family.
employ some ninjas to haul them off if they begin to misbehave…?
when family sucks, it sucks terribly, especially when you’re planning something really important to you.
i think you should listen to your gut- if your gut says “uh uh, NO” then follow it.
family is as family does
“my current plan is to just not send any to anyone in my family”
No bio family is understandable, under the circumstances.
Chosen family, however, is intending to show up in full force and shower you with much love and affection.
Re: family is as family does
And boy howdy am I grateful. *hugs*