So there I was, nursing my 151 and diet Pepsi…
I like introducing people to my Northern California neuroticisms: turn off the water while you brush your teeth, turn off the water while you wash your car, turn the water off while you are doing dishes… I don’t know if other Nor Cal folks are as freakish about this, but my upbringing made a serious impact on me. (Miss Jenny–can you leave water running? See, tonight Noah and I washed our new car for the first time together. We had different systems. Of course mine won. No wasting water damn you! Don’t you know that we could be in a drought ANY MINUTE?!?!?!!!!
I’m so glad he puts up with me.
Anyway. We wasted some time and some money this weekend. We went to one of the most useless classes I have ever been to. It was bioenergetics of rope. During the class the teacher introduced a shitload of jargon I have never heard before, refused direct requests to explain, and then proceeded to spend 6 hours talking while telling us that the theory doesn’t matter, only the practice does. Oh, the practice means we did a little scene off on the side of the room and the creepy guy watched. What a fucking schmuck. I got better answers to my (many, many, many) questions from other students. Noah’s comment after the first day of the class was, “I liked the hunted look he had after a while of you asking question after question.” Today he just looked annoyed. It seemed like he went home and decided that he wouldn’t let that pain in the ass derail his class again! Schmuck. He ignored almost all interesting questions and was totally hypocritical. He also told me that the way I have been doing suspension (as a top and as a bottom) is just plain wrong and didn’t really explain why. There was also another chick in the class who very smugly said that suspension is very physically grueling and it just isn’t something that everyone can do. Why yes, you obsessive yoga-doing-freak there are kinds of suspension that are physically grueling enough that I wouldn’t do them with just anyone. Like lifting someone into an inverted suspension by one ankle. I won’t do that because you can pull the leg out of joint if there is too much pressure. But clearly her standards are different than mine because I have done that exact suspension while weighing about 190 pounds and I was incredibly inflexible. I am quite confident that I can suspend *anyone* thankyouverymuchyoulittlebitch. Oh, and they spent a while going off on how western style suspensions are inherently inferior to Japanese style rope.
By this rant you can’t tell that they seriously pissed me off. Really, I bet you can’t. Fuckers. In other news–the scene with Noah was Hawt. I loves me my boy.
And if I move further back in time I am looking at a long-overdue date with Spot on Friday. During this date I was tired, boring, and generally unentertaining. I swear honey–I will make it up to you. It was a hard week.
But yeah. It’s been a weekend.
I leave the water running a lot, because of the drought. I figure if LA really wants the water, they can have it slightly used.
That class sounded ABSURD from both your and Noah’s description.
As for pulling legs out of joint….it would be really hard to do, quite honestly, from an anatomical standpoint….hips dislocate with LARGE amounts of RAPID force. A slow suspension process would be unlikely to do that. Tear soft tissue? Yes, possibly. But still, it would be pretty painful, and you’d likely not be allowed by the suspendee to go that far.
And as for suspension being grueling….I really liked that part. A lot. Can I do it again?
Well, those kinds of suspension are often done pretty rapidly on purpose because otherwise the suspendee screams and begs you to let them down so quickly you don’t really get them off the ground. It is rather heinous. And if you pull someone who is 250+ lbs off the ground rapidly by one ankle… are you *sure* that isn’t enough force? Seems like it to me. But you are more educated on this topic so I will accept your wisdom.
I would be happy to play with you darling. The problem is just when and where.