Rob says:
Philosopher George Gurdjieff declared that most of us are essentially asleep, even as we walk around in broad daylight. We’re ignorant aboutthe higher levels of awareness we’re capable of; we’re blind to the continuous flow of life’s miraculous blessings. He said that in orderto wake up and stay awake we need regular shocks. Some of these are uncomfortable, forcing us to face our own stupidity. But other shocks are delightful. They’re doses of sacred medicine that entice us to shake off our sleepiness and come to attention in pleasurable ways. I believe that in the coming weeks you’ll be offered a steady supply ofthe latter.
I don’t think having my baby be far away, though it does point out some of my stupidities, is a delightful shock.
And so Noah doesn’t have to spend an extra three miutes waiting for his horoscope to download:
Russ Kick searches for messy facts that lie half-hidden beneath the official versions of reality. In his two volumes entitled 50 Things You’re Not Supposed to Know,he reveals, for example, that most corporations don’t pay federal income taxes, George Washington embezzled government money, a third of all American homeless men are military veterans, and Shakespeare filled his plays with sexual references. Russ Kick is your role model, Gemini. May he inspire you to find out about at least three things you’re not “supposed” to know. May you adopt his brazen approach as you breeze into off-limits areas to get the scoop on tantalizing truths that have been missing in action.
Oooh. This is a nifty one. I hope it works out for you Noah.
Maybe there will be consolations. Im not sure what they are yet either. But hey, they wouldnt be shocks if they werent unexpected
Thank you, love.
Paying $400 to get rid of Red Lightning was a shock and reminder to me that letting adult responsibilities slide is just bad juju.