
My wallet was stolen from work. I only had like $5 in it, but… damnit! I have to try and remember what was in it so I can cancel/change all of my cards.

Although, on the card changing bit… the timing isn’t so bad.

Edit: I’m not always brilliant. Uhm. I found it.

7 thoughts on “Feck.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      See crack about me being dorky. I found it. My suspicion is that someone saw it sitting on my desk and decided to be helpful and put it in my bag for me in a place I never ever put anything other than my laptop. Cause I know that I am dumb and I walked away and left it on my desk. *beat head against wall*

  1. angelbob

    I’m still seeing this post, so I don’t think you successfully took it down (or was that something else?). For any other viewers: the wallet was found, emergency averted.

  2. ditenebre

    Heh. When I read “on the card changing bit … the timing isn’t so bad”, something inside went *perk* — and I guess today’s news explains why.

    *hugs* Congrats, sweetness.


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