I had this idea on presentations of material to prep the kids for The Crucible so I put it together and I ran with it yesterday. The first group of kids did ok, but there were some big obvious kinks. So I redid it today fixing the problems and it was smooth as butter. The kidlets are doing an *awesome* job and I am so proud of them.
Oh! And I did good! I figured out that one of my comp & lit kids should be in English 3. She should not be in the stepladder class between English 1 and English 2. Turns out it was a scheduling error and they are going to fix it. I’m glad I was paying attention. (Though this means I have to pay more attention in the future out of paranoia… darn it!)
So when you present the Crucible, which historical era are you invoking?
It’s a twofer doozy. We have to talk about Puritanism AND McCarthyism. It’s fun! And these days I get to bring up the idea of WMD and get them thinking about cyclical patterns of witch hunts.
Excellent! You’re the best teacher ever.