My work week consists of running around like mad all week. Teaching, and prep work, and grading (which I’m not doing enough of), and meetings, and parent phone calls… it seems that the pace never lightens up. I’m exhausted like crazy by Friday.
Last Friday we were supposed to go see a play but as a result of not getting moving quickly enough and general crankiness, we stayed home instead. It turned out to be a good thing cause Noah is kind of sick and he needed the rest. We passed out by about 9:30. On Saturday I had another tattoo sitting but I only made it through about 30 minutes before I *lost* it. I just couldn’t be calm or rational. We went home and spent the day in bed cause I was sick to my stomach all day. Of course we passed out by about 9:30. Sunday we soldiered our way through a gym trip despite being tired, borderline sick, and my back hurting. Sunday we ran a few errands and then flopped at home. We passed out by about 9:30.
Wow, we sound remarkably boring. Only it was awesome and wonderful. I loved the time I got to spend with my baby. We talked and talked and talked, often about hard/scary/painful things that we need to get through. We played and tried to map out a few more boundaries in our relationship. Resting and relaxing and cuddling together made not feeling so hot a pretty great thing cause it was an excuse to stay in bed.
I love my husband.
sometimes, it takes not feeling good to force you to take time off.
I love how you two are like “yeah we totally worked this stuff out we talked and talked and made progress and by golly we’ll do it again”. It just… it’s just really pleasing and vicariously satisfying.
We loved having yall here, maybe next time you let us feed you?