Friday I came home from work and fell asleep within 20 minutes. So my Noah settled in for an evening of WoW. I don’t blame him, but given how little sleep I got all last week I was kind of cranky when I woke up two hours later and he continued playing for two hours after I woke up. Enh, such is life. I feel really guilty when I am cranky but we usually end up talking about good stuff. He rocks so hard.
Saturday I got up at my normal 6am. I got dressed and went off to a work training in a fairly serious bad mood. It did turn into being probably the best training I have ever gone to so by 20 minutes in I was over my unhappiness. I got some really good stuff. After the training I went to my school and did cleaning, organizing and lesson planning all day. My cutie baby came and spent time in the room with me and we got to talk a little. He rocks! After grading papers I got to chaperone a dance. At the dance many of my kids were total jerks and I felt very disappointed in their behavior. So today I have been talking to the kids and telling them why their behavior wasn’t cool. They are taking the lecture pretty well.
Sunday we cleaned house and did grocery shopping. Noah did a *fabulous* job of cleaning the refrigerator. It was awful. Our kitchen is about as blacksheep_lj modified as it is going to get and boy howdy am I grateful.
We were totally dead by 8 and struggled to stay up till 9 so I wouldn’t wake up too terribly early this morning. With the addition of 5-htp (my moods have sucked lately) I had some really awesome dreams. I rescued my “sister” (not my actual sister but some person who was my sister in the dream) from a middle eastern prison by suspending myself from a high window and lowering myself to the room she was in. (For some reason they used a high rise building as a jail. I think it wasn’t a real prison but she was a political prisoner in some random government building.) It was cool. In another dream I was wandering around a city in Africa with karenbynight and she was pregnant. That was really odd. I know I had a few other odd dreams but I can’t remember them right now.
And this morning I got to wake up and talk to my mother-in-law. She drops hostile comments about Noah into the conversation at various points and that makes me sad. Stuff like, “All of us did cartwheels when he moved out of state and we hope he never comes back,” and, “His brothers are so glad they don’t have to deal with him daily anymore,” and they really made me sad. I’m going to think about how best to let her know I don’t want to listen to her slam Noah. If she dislikes him so intently maybe we shouldn’t come back at all?
I know he is so incredibly wonderful that I feel sorry for her that she doesn’t know.
Huh. Not pregnant, but I’ve been surrounded by babies and pregnant mothers lately. I went to a baby shower this past weekend, and will go to another one this coming weekend.
There are two people pregnant at my job. I have a friend who delivered just over a week ago. I know at least three other people pregnant right now. I have a couple of friends who are trying. I have babies on the brain cause I’m counting the days until I can start trying. (Ok, so really we are still counting months…)
I’m just obsessed with babies right now.
Look on the bright side, you don’t have a mother in law who is threatened by your stealing away her little boy from her overprotective arms and who tries to undermine you and come between you.
True That.
The fact that both my mom’s Israeli mom, and dad’s british mom both were like that is why they live in the US
Wow, you aroused my curiosity multiple times with this post. What did your kids do that was jerky? (Your dream reminds me of the Mission Impossible movie. -g- ) And what is *up* with Noah’s family? Geez Louise!
Hugs from afar —
Sadly, I *did* warn her in advance on this one…
The jerk behavior was about their sense of entitlement and lack of compassion for their fellow students. There was a “coat check” where the kids paid $1 for a paper bag and then it was held for them. Exactly one kid had originally volunteered to do this job. 900 kids bought tickets for the dance. We sold 220-ish bags. Often 4-6 people shared a bag. Kids wanted to get in and out of the bags constantly all night long. So eventually all the ASB kids along with two teachers were drafted to help with coat check. I asked kids to please try to only get into the bags maybe once. A few got in my face and told me they could get into it anytime they wanted. Several got into the bags 8-10 times. This means the little ASB kids were running back and forth all night long carrying bags despite the fact that they had paid for tickets to come to the dance.
I felt the general student body was rude for how they treated the coat check people and I let my little 150 kid slice know it. When I explained it many said they hadn’t realized. At the end of the night there was a *mob* trying to get bags out of coat check. I told them to form a line. I stood on a table and yelled for them to form a line and they just wouldn’t. This meant that some of the kids got into the line 10 minutes before the dance ended and then stood there for 45 minutes waiting because people elbowed in front of them to get to the table faster. I was so angry.
This kind of behavior is just completely not ok. It shows a total lack of regard for their fellow students and I told them I was disappointed because I know they are wonderful people and yet they didn’t act like it at the dance.
And what is up with Noah’s family? I don’t really know yet. I suppose I’ll find out.