Slacking will commence

I have decided that I will be staying home on Friday. I haven’t had a single day completely off of work in almost 6 weeks. Every day I at least grade papers or lesson plan. I need a break. This isn’t optional anymore.

On Thursday I am having dinner with a lovely lady who asked me to spend some time with her last weekend and I wasn’t available. Her invitation came after a few hours of feeling miserably lonely and like no one cared about seeing me unless I made all of the effort. The timing was so incredibly wonderful. All of a sudden I felt like someone really liked me and I really needed that. Thank you.

So this weekend on Friday I will stay home and get all of the furniture out of my house that Noah and I no longer want to keep. I will be moving it into the driveway and then posting an ad on Craigslist saying first come first served. I just want it gone. I am going to do the legwork for getting rid of the truck. I am going to hopefully get to the stage of arrange for someone to come and get it. I am going to fill out the last of the paperwork for changing my name and send it in. I am going to go to the DMV and deal with all of that mess (HOV stickers and changing my drivers license).

I have invited some friends over for dinner, invitation is pending waiting on their schedule. It would be really nice to see them because I haven’t gotten much social time in a while. I need snuggles. But if they need time at home that is very understandable as I have needed a lot of that time lately myself.

Saturday I am going to slack like mad during the day. Then I am going to a friend’s birthday bbq for some awesome snuggles. I will do *no* work.

Sunday I am going to slack all day. Maybe… watch a movie. Eat some Devon Cream and jam on tasty bread with my gorgeous husband. I will do *no* work.

This weekend I will be reminded that I have the best friends and the best husband ever. And I will revel in every minute of it.

8 thoughts on “Slacking will commence

      1. tsgeisel

        Ooh…bookshelf. I could almost certainly use one of those. Is it one I would have seen recently? And one that might be not too difficult for one person in a hatchback to transport?

        My username @ yahoo is a good way to contact me off LJ if you prefer. I could definitely stop by sometime Friday (evening or relatively early morning) to pick it up, or perhaps even sooner in the week.

  1. urangme

    Hmmm, wonderfull husband, three days off and you’re doing no work….hmmm….I hear a tired boy in your future…happy, and tired that is 🙂


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