I’ve had occasional really bad stomach pain for a little while now. I’ve tended to try to ignore the outbreaks and treat them as if, “Well that was random–well… it’s over now,” but unfortunately they have been working on worse, not going away. When I threw up on Sunday because of the immense pain I was in that was a clue to me that I needed to deal with it pretty quickly. I skipped work on Monday and went to see the doctor. Her initial thoughts are that it could be gallstones, pancreatitis, or ulcers. I got a bunch of blood drawn and peed in a cup. First they called to assure me that I am not pregnant. Then they called to say that most of the blood tests were back and within normal ranges. So today I went in for an ultrasound. It was enh. Not a particularly traumatic experience–for which I am grateful.
Oh, and I seem to have a herpes outbreak. My first one in…. yeah. Long long time. No more kissing people for me, at least for a while. I guess that with enough stress I can break the streak of not having an outbreak in more than thirteen years.
Oh, and before the vomiting session on Sunday I had more work done on my back. So I just have massive discomfort *everywhere*.
I’m sorry love. I hope you feel better soon.
I hardly kiss at all anymore due to herpes. Totally miss it. My outbreaks seem hormone related, too as I approach menopause.
I’m upset basically because I haven’t had one in more than a decade. I thought I had basically kicked it.
I would be so unhappy to lose kissing. If it got that bad I would go on the suppressant medication.
Or I’d do a lot more risking of cold sores. Or both.
Have I mentioned that I love you? *lick*
*grin* I had that suspicion