Comment and I’ll give you a letter. Then you have to list 10 things you love that begin with that letter. After, post this in your journal and give out some letters of your own.
satyrlovesong gave me M. Hmmmmm
Music. Country, techno, 80’s rock, rarely industrial, celtic rock… so much great music.
Men. Oh baby. Especially that Noah one.
Movies. I love watching movies despite my hatred of TV.
Mail. I love getting mail. It is such a ridiculously involved process: getting paper, writing, getting an envelope, looking up an address, finding a stamp… I feel special when I see something with my name hand written on an envelope. Or like the post card from i_am_dsh and terpsichoros when they were in Spain. I felt gooey special just to get it.
Melatonin because any sleeping help I can get just rocks.
Milk. I drink a lot of it and will happily gulp large glasses down cause it is just so tasty. I do drink non-fat, which is odd for milk lovers.
Mikasa Stephanie I’m working on having the whole set. Perty.
Massage. Have I mentioned that I have a great husband?
Monkey! It’s been a beloved nickname for years and years. I was an avid tree climber as a child. Then I had a friend in college who could climb poles and hang out near the top for a while. There are my favored variations of Freak Monkey and Monkey Fucker of course.
I’ll take a letter if you don’t mind me answering it here.
I don’t mind at all.
How about T.
Tigger. We’re both bouncy. And a little short-sighted.
Tiropitas. A snacky treat.
(size) T crochet hooks. They’re huge! They’re good for huge-gauge yarn *and* they make good dildos (turn it around so you don’t hurt yourself).
Traveling. I like going places almost as much as I like coming back home.
Tom Clancy. The kind of brain candy I like between serious books.
Teasing my cats with their toys. In the good way. It’s a recent addiction.
The Brian Setzer Orchestra. And most anything else with Brian Setzer in it.
Tuaca – half a shot – in a glass of milk.
The Daddy. He’s all sorts of wonderful.
I think starting with “The” is cheating.
I didn’t start with him. I ended with him.
Okay, okay, fine. I like Tchaikowsky, who wrote The Nutcracker, which I saw last night with the daddy and friends.
Ooo. Letters sound interesting.
Your M’s rock.
How about R.
This looks fun. Letter, please?
G please.
Yes, please.
I would like some A action baby.
do me, baby.
How about L?
My answer got a bit out of hand. ;p
I want some alphabet soup, please.
Uhm… how about H?
I would not only like a letter, I would also totally like to mail you a holiday card! I love getting mail too.
Wanna email me your address? purrversatility at gmail dot com.
Re: oooh
How about a W? It’s a harder one…
I wants a letter to write about, and I second what cyclothemia (sp?) said about wanting your address.
Pottery, pottymouth, plumeria, peacock feathers, polyamory, pleasure, pleasant company, physical labor, psychotherapy, phase of the moon.
Details to follow.
I’ve already done a version of this (see earlier post in my journal), but I rather enjoyed the mental exercise before, so maybe once more.
I’ll make you a deal. We can swap letters. Except give me something other than “D” this time. Been there, done that.
Your letter from me is “S”.
Uhm…. I?
Done, and posted in my journal, rather than here.
This feels like a combination of “Sesame Street” and a revival … but …
Can I get a letter?!
How about… L
Popular lady! But it looks like fun!
Does this mean you want a letter? How about G?
A tough one, but done!