He asked people to tell about a funny related to sex story. My story won’t be as funny as his, but it makes me giggle.
In the not too distant past when I was coasting back into the community after my hiatus while dating Puppy I was entertaining the idea of sleeping with lots of different people. I hadn’t done that much of it yet, I was still trying to decide who my next few conquests would be. Planning these things out is a good idea. There is a fellow in my local area who thinks Quite Highly of himself and he seemed to be deciding that I would soon be in his thrall. Near as I can tell, his MO is to push girls into having huge crushes and then string them on for quite a while. He only rarely actually sleeps with anyone. Ok, fair enough. I realized what he was doing after a month or so and decided I would *not* be one of his faithful groupies hoping for a look or some action.
The next time I saw him, after deciding to fuck with him, we started doing the hot and heavy making out thing we had been doing and just as things started to get very feverish and he was likely to pull away soon I pushed him off of me and said, “Enh–you aren’t going to follow through so I am done for now. Thanks!” I turned and walked away. About 15 feet away I turned to look at him. His mouth was hanging open in shock. He looked dumbfounded that someone had played his game on him. I laughed and kept going.
This game kept going pretty much until I stopped this last phase of slutting around. He kept trying and trying and trying to get me to be more engaged and fall for him and I just wouldn’t. That was fun.
[side note: I was in a craptastic mood this morning but a few hours of sex and all of a sudden I’m in a great mood!]
hoisted on his own peckard.
– i love it –
y’know, *i* think it was you thinking about the nekked girl in the red fuck-me shoes from my story that lifted your mood. as a guy, i’m never wrong about such things.
it’s a gift.
Yay! Thank you. Sounds like that needed doing.
you’re consistent that way