In other news, I’ve been talking to Tom more. After the fairly disasterous dinners we have been talking via IM and talking about some of the actual problems we have had and why they have existed. It’s good. The funny part is, at least a small piece of this was motivated by his most recent ex finding out that someone is friends with me and getting bitchy about it. I went and asked Tom WTF and he is confused too.
Love when people strongly dislike me enough to talk shit about me when they have never had a conversation with me. I want to be mature like that when I grow up!
Yeah. I go throughthat sometimes in The Club and the only thing I can do is shake my head sadly and wonder why their lives are so tiny that they have to feel that way about other people.
Meh. People suck.
I”m betting IM is a much easier way for him to communicate too
It’s going well. He is talking to me the way he used to talk to me before he shut down emotionally and withdrew.
Frankly, I never liked her. I was glad when he broke up with her. Max was pretty “eh” about her too, and you know how Max can find something nice to say about anyone.
You just made my night. Seriously. You have no idea how elated I am.
I tend to think that if there are a few who do that, go out of their way to dislike you when they’ve never spoken to you, then it likely means your doing something right. Or a great many things right.
I know it’s annoying when I come across it myself, in fact it kinda gives me the creeps and bewilders me but I still feel that way, that its the sign of something good.