We still technically have one assignment left, but unless they simply *don’t do it* (which isn’t likely as everyone has worked their asses off) there will be 22 F’s for all of my classes. At the last grading period there were 48 F’s.
I can’t believe they did it. Ok, I want to cry. At least for once these days it is out of happiness.
(And of these 22 F’s, more than half of them are basically never here so of course they are failing. Two of them don’t have the credits to graduate anyway and they are leaving school in February when they turn 18 so they have been showing up just to avoid being fined. And a couple have severe learning disabilities and the fact that they have a high F is a big deal for their progress.)
That’s awesome! Good on you, and good on the kids!
That’s really awesome. Congratulations on the progress.
Good on them!
Good on you!
Fabulouso! With that many F’s, just how many many students do you have?
I have ~150.