Pryankster list just received:
Good news! Just heard from Sara, and apparently the surgery went well. She’s out
of recovery and in a room, and when I spoke with her they were just bringing her
some juice. They want to keep her there until she’s eaten and passed a meal, so it
may be a day or two. She’s on pain medication from the surgery, and sleeping quite
a bit, so the hospital policy is to block incoming phone calls for 24 hours after
surgery. She’ll be able to take calls starting tomorrow morning.
Visitors are allowed, however, and visiting hours end at 9:00 tonight.
The hospital’s phone number is (510) 537-1234, and she’s in room 2404.
(If you don’t know who this is talking about, don’t worry about. Pryanksters–pass it on.)
Good to hear. I’ll be making a note to call tomorrow.