Last night we had therapy. It is interesting to go with Noah. Cause that means all sorts of stuff is coming up which doesn’t usually. It’s scarier than usual. It’s also interesting becasue I know that a lot of my “turning inward” stuff never comes up in therapy but this therapist has already seen it more than once. It’s… disconcerting.
Boot camp is kicking my ass. I need to start taking the stomach medicine before I go because I’m in serious pain and I want to puke before it is over. But I kept going through the whole thing even though I was doing it very slowly. My whole body hurts. I am so fried. And three more days this week… *sigh*
I get to run off for more dental appointment crap today. I’m not really looking forward to this. But… has to be done.
And tonight is a Pryankster pryactice in the south bay so I’m going to do my best to go. I’m wondering if I will be physically able to move, but I’ll try! I’m terribly GGG.
Now I will go back to watching Toy Story with the few remaining kids in my Comp and Lit class. (The sophmores are off taking the exit exam.)
exorcism and puking.
quite the combo…
What is this boot camp?
Pure agony. It’s an intense exercise program that Noah is into. I’m humoring him by going. Many varieties and types of exercise. Mostly running it seems, though focus is put on many areas of the body.
Uh, wee?
Be kind to yourself, okey?
Sounds awful.
Rest is good for the body too. Yup.