One of my students drew a picture of me as a super villian and showed other students. The overall reaction has been, “She looks like a dominatrix!” Oh my god.
This from the kid who wears a collar. And apparently she is making copies of the picture and passing it around.
Oh. My. God.
And here’s the link:
I totally need a copy of this picture.
You are so good to me. (:
Can you get a copy? We can scan it in
She said she will scan it and put it online tonight.
Online?! Omg. Wow.
She’s a big geek, so scanning a picture and putting it online is easy.
O, I know it’s not hard, just once it’s online its damn hard to keep quiet. But you’re not working towards that, so it’s cool.
Somebody’s radar is getting a bit finely-tuned early in her life. Shall we expect to see her at the larger public events in a few years?
I’ve only got another 3-4 years for the kindergartners and first graders I taught about safewords when I was doing afterschool care to become legal.
Yeah, she’s totally going to be a perv. And she’s just nifty in general.
LOL. You can’t help being hot and you can’t help them noticing.
Honestly this is very complimentary. Art inspired by you.
Still maybe you should pretend it doesn’t exist.
Did you ever see that movie The Dangerous Lives Of Alter Boys?
It rocks.
I was just thinking of arty students and that’s what I remembered.
Never heard of it.
My policy on the artwork is pretty open-ended. I have a bunch of it up on my classroom wall. I snickered and told her that I am not a dominatrix. I just didn’t follow it up anymore than that.
Trailer for the movie here:
or here:
I think you’d really like it.
That’s really cool of you to have the artwork up.
At school today another student asked me what kind of jobs I did before. I tell ’em but stop just short of the sex work.
It’s not a big secret but I’ve seen where people can go with that info.
So, I told him some of the truth but not my whole life story.
In your case that technique is even handier.
Yep its you lol
So what’s your super-power?
I’ll ask.
your kids like you just a little too much
OMG, that’s adorable. I just looked at it. Sweet.
Hey, I AM a dominatrix and I still don’t have a sword like that! What a gyp!
Technically the artist thought of me as a super villain, it was a former student who saw the picture and decided it looked like a dominatrix.
Then she kept looking and could identify who the picture was of and said, “OHMYGOD That is so her!!”
great gloves.
nice boots.
interesting splaying of the legs.
that carefully placed hand?
a-la 1960s Playboy magazines?
covering a camel-toe?
a-la Gustav Klimt?