Monthly Archives: February 2007

Speaking of snarky

I got into it just a little with a guy at work. I was talking in the lounge and I said “Oh my god!….” then continued on and someone who wasn’t even in the conversation interrupted. He said, “Your God? Don’t you mean OUR God?” My response? “No. He’s mine. I don’t share.” Then I turned around and continued my conversation. Did I mention that he runs the Christian club and has a stick the size of a redwood up his ass?


I do *this* well.

I have now had official confirmation that the school deliberately places 504 and IEP kids in my class. There is (apparently) already a very firm official position that I am remarkably helpful and willing to work with kids who have issues. I feel really good about this. It makes me happy that the kids feel like they are having an unprecedented amount of success and so do their parents. This rocks so hard because *no one* thinks my class is easy. The kids who took this class because it is “easier than AP” acknowledge that the workload is quite sophisticated and difficult and they are having to work really hard for their A.

Wow. This feeling so rocks.