On to less depressing topics.

Today is a poster day. It has been chaos and silliness all day. Some of the things heard:

“Oh yeah! I’ll make you wear orange. You totally look good in orange.” – from one butch boy to another butch boy.

“Oh yeah… this is my FAVORITE marker!!” – said by a boy who was sniffing a whole series of markers and now has smears all over his nose.

And I was asked, “Is it illegal to have orgasms in class?”

And, “Do you do ecstasy?” to which I said, “Oh yeah, every weekend.” Then I walked away. The kids didn’t know what to think.

And the kids are planning to bring me food for our study session on Saturday. 😀

8 thoughts on “On to less depressing topics.

  1. bldrnrpdx

    Speaking of cute work stories – I thought of you when I was retelling this story today.

    I have a 3 y/o who just started in one of my speech clinics. She’s really bright, just coming out of being shy, and has a few speech sounds she’s working on. We were looking at a series of picture cards and talking about them. We got to “teddy bear” and I asked her if she had a bear. Yes, she said. Does your bear have a name?
    Pooh, I thought she said.
    Oh, like Winnie-the-Pooh?
    No, *pooh*, she said. That’s what I heard, anyway. She continued, “when I was a little bitty baby, I ate too much and I poohed all over my bear.” Only this time, when she said “pooh”, it sounded a little more like “puke.”
    When mom came back to get the girl, I asked her about it. Mom said, yeah, when the girl was 18 months, she was really really sick and throwing up everywhere. Including on the bear. She said they ended up getting two bears, so one could be in the laundry and the other could be in bed with the girl, getting “poohed/puked” on. And now the family joke is that the girl has a stuffed animal named “Puke Bear”.

  2. bldrnrpdx

    Speaking of cute work stories – I thought of you when I was retelling this story today.

    I have a 3 y/o who just started in one of my speech clinics. She’s really bright, just coming out of being shy, and has a few speech sounds she’s working on. We were looking at a series of picture cards and talking about them. We got to “teddy bear” and I asked her if she had a bear. Yes, she said. Does your bear have a name?
    Pooh, I thought she said.
    Oh, like Winnie-the-Pooh?
    No, *pooh*, she said. That’s what I heard, anyway. She continued, “when I was a little bitty baby, I ate too much and I poohed all over my bear.” Only this time, when she said “pooh”, it sounded a little more like “puke.”
    When mom came back to get the girl, I asked her about it. Mom said, yeah, when the girl was 18 months, she was really really sick and throwing up everywhere. Including on the bear. She said they ended up getting two bears, so one could be in the laundry and the other could be in bed with the girl, getting “poohed/puked” on. And now the family joke is that the girl has a stuffed animal named “Puke Bear”.


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