Yay questions

To entertain me while kidlets are writing.

“Ok, what would be hardest to live without, what would would be easiest. The choices are clothes, sex, chocolate, books and your car. Please list them in order of hardest to easiest, and any additional commetary you wish to make is up to you.”

and “What are the 5 most important qualities I think a parent should have?”

Hardest to easiest: sex, clothes, books, car, chocolate. I don’t even like chocolate, that wasn’t a competition. Yeah, I’m not giving up sex buddy. HELL no. But I’m shy. 😀

I think parents should be patient, positive (in the encouraging kind of way), good listeners, stamina (kids are exhausting), and most importantly–parents need to be able to have good boundaries. So they can model them and so they can survive the little twerps.

8 thoughts on “Yay questions

  1. plymouth

    so the first time I saw this post I was just skimming my FL and I thought you were saying that sex is the most important quality in a parent 🙂 And I was like “well, yeah, it’s good for parents to not stop having sex just because they became parents… but is that really the MOST important thing?”

    Then I went back and actually read the full post 🙂

  2. plymouth

    so the first time I saw this post I was just skimming my FL and I thought you were saying that sex is the most important quality in a parent 🙂 And I was like “well, yeah, it’s good for parents to not stop having sex just because they became parents… but is that really the MOST important thing?”

    Then I went back and actually read the full post 🙂


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