School babble (doubt anyone cares)

I was looking at my numbers. I realistically have 105 juniors. There are 5 more who are technically enrolled, but I never see them so I don’t feel like they count for my purposes. 40 of them showed up on Saturday for help on the paper. A slightly overlapping but not entirely similar group of 17 kids turned in the paper early. That’s really good. Effectively, almost 40% of my juniors are willing to come in on Saturday for help. That’s huge. And it was almost fun. 🙂 But I refuse to call it fun cause dude–that’s my Saturday.

More than one kid expressed hope that I will do this again with other big assignments. Holy crap. They want to give up weekend time to get help?!!

4 thoughts on “School babble (doubt anyone cares)

  1. urangme

    Praise them for effort…

    Damn I wish I had a teacher like you when I was in H.S.

    Then again, I would have had a terrible crush on you at that age…(Okay, a slightly more awkward crush than at this age)…and no one wants to see a 6’6″ rail of a boy turn bright red over and over every time he has to talk to his english teacher.

  2. urangme

    Praise them for effort…

    Damn I wish I had a teacher like you when I was in H.S.

    Then again, I would have had a terrible crush on you at that age…(Okay, a slightly more awkward crush than at this age)…and no one wants to see a 6’6″ rail of a boy turn bright red over and over every time he has to talk to his english teacher.


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