mzmtnlion, allow me to introduce i_am_dsh and her lovely husband, terpsichoros. They live on the island with you. They are incredibly interesting people (dancing, costuming, singing, other fun hobbies) AND all of ya’ll like me. That’s quite a lot to have in common. And as if that weren’t enough–they are about to have a baby! Yay for more babies!
Just sayin.
Oh man. My world implodes just a little more each day.
I have met them separately in meat space a few times at faires and at events where other hobbies are pursued. Thank you for the LJ introduction
. I had heard through the grapevine that they had gotten married.
Congratulations to the both of them on their impending parenthood! Either one or both of them are welcome to drop me a line if they would like to get together and do parent & kiddle type a activities.