Today I get to go in three hours late without having to bend the rules because I am an honest and straightforward person. So screw you to all of my dishonest colleagues. (Rant maybe forthcoming on that one.)
This morning I got all of the prep work done for the next few days that has been making me nervous. Sweet.
Today, I checked the bank account and saw what would have been once upon a time a staggering amount of money. At this point it isn’t staggering, but it is certainly plenty so that my darling husband could be out of work for months before I would worry even one iota about him finding a job. My salary is enough to keep us afloat and we have a beautiful cushion for just about any “just in case.” Oh, and the only debt we have left is the mortgage and my student loans due to me masterfully managing our money and paying off a rather large amount of debt in the past six months. Go me.
Yesterday I got to see my lovely Sarah, though only briefly, and she presented me with the baby clothes she has acquired so far. The fact that I am not the only one joyfully anticipating me getting pregnant lets me feel a sense of family and attachment I wouldn’t have believed I would get. Thank you Sarah; thank you for being my family. Eight more weeks until I stop taking birth control. The days are flying by…
Including today I have 31 more days of educational opportunity remaining with my kidlets. But that includes finals and weird schedules and I don’t see any of the individual classes that many times. Really I only have 22 more days with each individual class. Eeeek! Must get through this book! But I have a good solid unit plan in front of me and I am confident that I will get through it and my babies will do well.
Life is really good.
I’m so yay with you!
I am really happy for you, and proud that you’ve got so many ducks all lined up and orderly. A++.
Very much with the yay! Much benefit of thriftiness and discipline. Good stuff here.
And yes, you have chosen family who is looking forward to news of babyness. Wondering — are you planning to use alternative forms for awhile, while your body’s hormones go back on their own normal levels? Just wondering how much advanced warning I might have for a baby something-or-other I have in mind.
My doctor said that given the version of the pill I am on it doesn’t really matter. Yay for low dose hormones!
So uhm… could happen anytime during or after July.
Yay for the yay!
Have you told your therapist your baby making plans? I only ask cuz coming off the pill threw me into crazy bipolar land for over a year until my body got the hormones worked out. YMMV of course, but you might want to mention it in the interest of full disclosure.
Anyone who will stand still long enough to listen knows about my baby plans.
I’m not really worried about coming off of this pill. I specifically went on a pill that was very low hormone because I have had issues with birth control in the past. I have had basically no effects while on this one and I don’t think the transition off will be bad. And even if it is–I feel ridiculously supported. If things do become emotionally really bad I will probably switch to using an alternative form of birth control for a few extra months even though it will drive me *nuts*. Though… we are going to start trying soon enough that I’m not sure I would notice issues in time…
ok, glad you are ridiculously suported! Good luck with the baby making!
Want any second-hand baby things? I’ve gotten rid of a good majority of the newborn baby things, but I still have a few…pack and play, mobile, two aquarium soothers, some toys… I also have a big box of clothes in need of a home. I would love for these things to go to a friend instead of Savers.
I would love and appreciate anything!
I’m just getting to the point of being able to knit and crochet again. Want to pick out a pattern for me to make a baby blanket? I would love to have a new purpose, and this would give me plenty of time to take it in easy chunks.
Yay! I would love to!! *bounce*
<<...[Me] paying off a rather large amount of debt in the past six months. Go me.>>
Indeed, you rock. Congrats on being to the right of the bell curve on this one. It’s not easy to do.
It’s really good. I’m feeling very proud of myself.
no extra debt = peace of mind
more babies?
holy smokes.
we’ll be awash in babies.
waves of babies.
crashing against the shores.
When the ship runs out of ocean
And the vessel runs aground
Land’s where we know the boat is found
Now there’s nothing unexpected
About the water giving out
Land’s not a word we have to shout.
But there’s something beside the shoreline
Moving across the beachhead
Coming up from the shipwreck
Making as if to say:
Women & Men
Women & Men
Women & Men
Women & Men
(Women & Men) Bringing with them messages of love
And every where they go love will grow (love will grow)
(Women & Men) When you see the faces of the women
And the men, you too will know (you will know)
Women & Men have crossed the ocean
They now begin to pour
Out from the boat and up the shore
Two by two they enter the jungle
And soon they number more
Three by three as well as four by four
Soon the stream of people gets wider
Then it becomes a river
River becomes an ocean
Carrying ships that bear
Women & Men
Women & Men
Women & Men
Women & Men
hee hee
Wow! So you are hopping on the baby bandwagon. I’m glad things are smooth sailing for you and your Mr.
I left Tom because I was planning to hop on the baby bandwagon right around this time period with or without a boy.
I do feel like Noah is a particularly good choice though. heh
HEY, did I miss a post somewhere? See this is what I get for being out of the loop. Had no idea you guys were already intending to push puppies. Figured it would be a year or two.
You want baby cloths? I LOVE shopping for baby cloths
Well… it will be a year. They don’t happen that quickly you know.
Yes, please! Yay baby clothes!
yay yay yay!
I’m so excited and happy-glowy for you.
just for you:
Uhm, ok.