This morning I had some less than happy stuff and I felt like shit. Then I heard a song on the radio and felt like maybe I was being stupid–I should just appreciate what I have and get over being so needy.
But then I went to work. I’m having a lot of trouble with the basic nature of teenagers. I would like to punch many of them. The attitude, the laziness, the sarcasm, the satisfaction with being ignorant…
I’m feeling very angry about the kids who are blaming me for their failing grade. Excuse me motherfucker you want to repeat that?! I very very rarely feel like this. I love my job. But today stupid teenagers are making me very angry. “What do you mean we have an essay due on Monday! I was absent! It’s not fair!” “Well, seeing as the assignment was posted on the board for three weeks and we started the assignment at the beginning of the semester I don’t think you get to claim any hardship.”
Fucking bitch. I am not fond of that whiny little shit. My swearing is a bit excessive today. I need to just stop talking.
You are asking them to do something that they’ve probably not encountered a lot in their lives – that is, you’re asking them to take responsibility, and be accountable for themselves. Tough love, as it were. It feels like shit while you’re doing it, sometimes, but they need it, sweetie. You’re giving them something they really do desperately need, if they are to grow into being adults capable of living independent lives.
They’re not going to see it that way, of course. But they will, perhaps, some day look back and remember that someone cared about them enough to take that stand.
On the plus side, your Hobbit quizzes are graded