I’m still on the yogurt/granola/fruit in the morning kick. I’ve been eating it until I feel extremely full instead of my normal breakfast of enough to feel not hungry. Lately I have been going all day on about 1/2 my normal food/snack quantity. My weight is dropping a little (down to 163 which makes me happier than 168 did) and I’m not being super cranky all day. Granola bars later in the day have never helped like the morning stuff is helping–I wonder how much of that is because the granola bars I buy are loaded with sugar and cause a significant crash not long after eating them. Hm. There might be something to this balanced breakfast shit.
Now I just need to start exercising again and my mood might improve significantly.
You know, there’s a *reason* schools offer free breakfast as well as free lunch….
(Glad to hear that you’re happier day by day.)
Have you ever had the free breakfast/lunch given by schools? Balanced doesn’t play a part in them. I always eat breakfast, I’m just eating from a more balanced food group palate.
Um, I was trying to make a little joke. I guess it was very little indeed.
And yes, crappy breakfast is pretty crappy. But is it worse than hunger?
Oh. I missed that.
Well, long term–no. But that is what I’m trying to determine for myself as far as my breakfast habits go. Cause when I eat crappy breakfast foods I seem to eat more later in the day than I do if I have a balanced breakfast. When I skip breakfast I don’t get hungry until later in the day (my metabolism doesn’t know it should be on) and I don’t eat as much but my metabolism slows down so I gain weight.
I’m just trying to be aware of what my body is doing with food.
Yes – good breakfast important….you want your metabolism kicked into gear, believing you are well fed and that it can afford to function at best capacity. Also of note, people tend to self regulate unconsciously….Eating a larger breakfast does not mean you will necessarily wind up eating more calories in the day…you tend to adjust and eat less the rest of the day….as you are finding.
Believing that took a leap of faith. I’m not great at those.
I’ll second the breakfast thing. I actually try to eat two small breakfasts due to not having time for a large one on weekdays. I do a decent sized lunch.
For dinner I just trust my body. It varies depending how intense my workout was. Some days it will even be just a smoothie + energy bar post workout.