This filter is including a lot of people who are not in my part of the country, but I think that maybe you might be interested in having this information.
On July 21st Noah and I are having our wedding reception. If you see this you will be getting more information as we get a bit closer to the date. We just think a date grab is smart.
I would like to point out that a lot of this is Noah’s idea. He thinks that we should announce to our community that we are married or some such nonsense. I figure if ya’ll don’t know by now then us having a party isn’t going to inform you–but it’s all good.
Oh–please don’t pass information about this event around. We have a rather considerable guest list of people we want to invite and this is absolutely not a DHP. I repeat this is *not* an open invite party.
It’s on my calendar …
I’m really glad you are on the filter because I accidentally posted it publicly for a minute or two there…
Waaa, that’s the day we’d scheduled E’s birthday party for (actual b-day is the next day). I suppose he and I will need to discuss changing the date of that.
But yay for having a arty for your marriedness finally.
Dates are like that though.
Yeah, they have the tendency to do that. Any clue what time of day you’re doing this? Afternoon? Evening?
I don’t think we’ll make it, but we wish you many smooches. Are you guys registered somewhere? I’d love to get you a little something. If you aren’t, would you be okay with sending me a mailing address?
We never have registered. But I suppose we could… (I’m also fine with you having my mailing address. I will be seeing you soon in Portland!)
I actually forgot about that. Maybe I’ll just put my something together for when you’re in town.
It’s on the calendar!
Er, but I still need to talk to B about it. =)
Classes, if you did it mid august I could come
We are putting it on our calendar.
I just put it on the calendar!
Phooey and drat! As of the moment, I’m supposed to be out of town, but anything could happen between now and then. Congragitations and have a great time anyways.
If I’ve managed to not flee the country yet, I’ll be there. That’s a pretty big if, from what I know now.
AS you might suspect, we’re not likely to be travelling that far yet. So many hugs and all the appropriate felicitations!
Consider it noted. The day after my birthday, oddly enough.
Go you! Sadly, can not make it, am teaching in NY that weekend
You will be missed. I feel like I haven’t seen you in half a lifetime.
I have passed the information on to the Master of the Day Planner, and you are now a calendared item. Can’t get much more official than that.
what time?
I have plans for the evening, but if your party started at, say, noon, then I could probably at least make an appearance. Oh, and it’s the day after my birthday, too.
Re: what time?
Not 100% decided. Details soon.
I’ll be there.
I’d love to be there. Is it something I could bring my so to?
SO’s are very welcome.
Damn. Same day as Spychef’s birthday party (which I’m bartending for). Have a fantabulous day. Sorry I won’t be able to make it.
No such thing as an unbooked weekend in the summer. *shrug* I hope you have fun.
I’ll plan on being there.
Sorry, Sweetin’
I and Guildmistress are already committed to SpyChef’s party. We miss you, though.
I know we live in the sticks, but we have been known to cook on occasion…(*hint, hint*)
It’s on the calendar, though I will probably be en route to above mentioned SpyChef Party, I’ll see if I can’t at least stop by and administer squeezin’s.