There are days when not killing someone is an accomplishment.
Monthly Archives: June 2007
Oregon rocks
Cause they have wifi at the rest stops. This so rocks.
I got to see a wonderful, gorgeous woman last night and talk to her for hours. I have lots of appreciation for such rare visits. Tonight I get to see *another* wonderful, gorgeous woman. My life–it does not suck.
Much missing of my Noah. Much thinking and smiling and enjoying the beautiful road. I am taking 101 all the way north instead of cutting over to 5 early on cause it’s prettier. There are still a bunch of Portland and Seattle folks I haven’t heard from so it looks like a bunch of this trip may consist of hanging out in random public places in Portland showing Noah around. I hope my memory is up to the task…
Running away
Today I run away from home. I’m going north. I’m only go to be there for three days before Noah joins me. I think that is for the best because more than three days and we are pretty pathetic. I look forward to the time I am going to have with friends. I look forward to taking Noah on his first backpacking trip. I look forward to showing him Portland and Seattle as I feel very comfortable in both towns. Look! Stuff he hasn’t done! Squee! Maybe feeling consciously the things I am sharing will make me feel less twitchy about the stuff that he shares. Here’s to hope!
I will be back though. California, and specifically the bay area, is home. But running away from home can be fun at times.
Alright. It’s done. I’ve freakin registered. We are registered at Target and at Crate and Barrel. Target has stuff that is more day-to-day useful and C&B has the perty stuff I would really like to have, but will probably never buy for myself because I am too practical.
I would like to say at this exact moment that I am not expecting anyone to buy us anything. I registered because people have been pressuring me to do so. I have a strong dislike of the societal rules that dictate that we should expect gifts just because we were foolish enough to get married. The entire gift giving culture is one I have a hard time with. I love to give presents; it makes me happy to see people enjoy the things I give them. However, when I give someone a present it is 99.99% of the time with no expectation of reciprication or of particular acknowledgment. (I expect Noah to give me Christmas present–but he and I are clear on that so I’m ok with that exception to the normal rule.) I believe that Thank You notes are neat things that are fun to give/get sometimes but should in no way be mandatory. I was not brought up in a family where such things were standard and I have been shocked as an adult by the number of people who have told me that I am rude for not sending them. ?! Wait–aren’t *you* the rude one for rebuking me for the behavior based on my culture?!
So I will say this: I made gift registries because I know that giving presents feels good. However, keep in mind that your culture around gift exchange and my culture around gift exchange may be very different. If it is important to you to get a thank you card, tell me and I will make an effort in that direction for you because I make efforts to accomodate/appreciate my friends as they most appreciate. DO NOT EXPECT ONE AS A MATTER OF COURSE. That custom is not part of my life. If you will feel like I am ungrateful/unappreciative if I do not respond in a certain way, just don’t give me a fucking present because I don’t need more guilt in my life.
(Oh: event date is July 21, 2007. If you don’t know the last name ask me.)
I think that: looks like a lovely place to go spend our honeymoon.
Looking at bias.
This may offend you. I’m kind of rambling and trying to figure out my own judgments about a bunch of different societal things around weight. If you think you are likely to be offended, just don’t read it–please.
Just life
I slept for just shy of 10 hours last night. That is highly unusual for me. Normally I wake up around 7 1/2 hours. I think I am making up for the school year.
I’m reading a lot, both on the internet and actual books. It feels really nice to not be pressured or on a deadline.
My lovely husband rocks so hard. He came home from work last night and did most of the work to make dinner. Then we had a fabulous date night. I married the best perv ever! (Ok, so there are still a few skillz I would like him to develop but he is coming along nicely…) This “communication” stuff is really handy.
I’ve been talking to Tom more and feeling more comfortable about it. I still feel a bit tense when I watch him playing (I don’t spend much time doing this) but there is less tension and more happiness that he is happy. I really do love him and want him to be happy and I know that he never would have had all that he needed with me. And I really am better off with Noah so it’s a win all the way around. I think I feel so connected to him still because he was the first person to love me so much or so well and I try very hard to appreciate what people do for me. The fact that what he had to give ended up not being enough in the long run is really not his fault.
Alright, I’ll say it. Off birth control. Don’t know when anything more interesting is going to actually happen as I have no control over that. Lots of looking down and chanting “ovulate!!” I amuse me. The first two weeks I was pretty batty and all over the place emotionally but that has passed and I’m feeling generally pretty cheerful. The fact that it coincided with lots of job stress and then no job stress probably helps.
Still having a hard time believing that I am not too difficult to put up with. Noah says I’m ok, but it’s hard. I’m so scared of pushing him away and I know I am tempermental. Gah. Have to just accept that I’ll never be placid or even tempered. Suckful acceptance.
My body is being weird. I think it is mostly that I am sitting on my ass too much. I’m stiff and sore most places most of the time. I’m also a wee bit chunkier than is optimal for normal usage. (My jeans don’t really fit.) Other than that: my hair is freshly red and my jaw hurts all the time. Looks like braces are mandatory. Damnit! I really hate dental stuff.
Family stuff continues to suck. I’m thinking that I should do another six months or so without talking to any of them. My mom recently asked me to have dinner so she could give me my baby pictures because she doesn’t want them. This following on the heels of her telling me that my bio-family isn’t my family, my chosen family is along with her threatening to sue me if I publicly disclose stuff about my life… yeah. I think maybe it’s time for some non-talking. My sister doesn’t even want me to know where she lives–as in she has told her children they are not to give me their address. Awesome. Jimmy still doesn’t want to speak to me and may never again. My aunt doesn’t believe me about the stuff that has been happening because she has never heard about it before from anyone else. Yeah. Just… yeah. That’s ok. I have a Mom who wants to be part of my life. I have a Dad and a Daddy both of whom love me and dote on me and give me the kind of support I need. I have people all over the country who love me and support me. I suppose my mother is right. I do have a family and she isn’t part of it.
Computer woes continue. At least this time I managed to back everything up. Heh. Still thinking about buying an Apple instead of a PC. Luckily, I have my work computer to use over the summer so it isn’t mandatory yet.
Given the impending kidlet situation, having two vehicles that don’t place one of us at serious risk of injury daily is a mandatory situation. I’ve been looking around and I’m pretty sure I want a Mazda 5. (The Prius was supposed to be Noah’s car from the start…) I have wanted an Element for years, but seeing as there could be three booster seats in our future, a four seater vehicle is just not an option. *sigh* There goes that dream. Is ok. Babies are more interesting than a vehicle I can clean with a hose. It’s going to be a bit more expensive than we were hoping for, but it will be doable.
My student loan debt will be gone before school starts again. We will have just the mortgage in debt and that is such a nice feeling.
Kids are scheduled to come paint the house when I get back from the honeymoon. I’m actually looking forward to it.
I leave on Monday to see my friends and Noah is joining me on Thursday. We are going to be backpacking for a week. I’m so excited!
Life… life is not completely 100% perfect, but life is good.
Too much time on my hands.
Your Ultimate Purity Test 2.0 Score Is… | ||||
Your Score: | Average For All Users | Average For All Sluttily Opportunistic Human Liberal Married Pink-Skinned 22 to 28-Year old Females (17 total) |
Dating | 0% | 34.26% | 11.99% | Gone steady |
Self-Lovin’ | 10.61% | 61.19% | 34.58% | I wouldn’t shake hands, if I were you |
Shamelessness | 24.19% | 77.52% | 43.26% | For Christ’s sake, put your clothes on! |
Sex Drive | 21.43% | 75.21% | 42.44% | Humps fire hydrants when nobody’s looking |
Straightness | 0% | 39.6% | 4.9% | Knows the other body type like a map |
Gayness | 0% | 78.46% | 25.6% | Makes Dr. Frank-n-Furter look tame |
Dominant | 16.67% | 86.92% | 60.49% | Master of everyone’s domain |
Submissive | 9.52% | 87.29% | 55.18% | Feels uncomfortable without manacles on |
Fucking Sick | 44.9% | 89.98% | 67.53% | Don’t look in the basement |
Total Score | 17.49% | 73.96% | 42.83% | |
Take The Ultimate Purity Test 2.0 and see how you match up! (By The Ferrett) |
Just cause
One might ask me, if one cared, “So, what have you been up to on your first day of summer vacation?” I would answer in a guilty tone of voice: “Well… I managed to find homeowners insurance, and deal with student loan stuff but really… mostly what I did was masturbate and read”.
It was a rather stellar day all the way around. [Oh–the comic isn’t masturbation material. It’s entirely work safe and funnier than hell.]
Wedding Reception
I’m going to be sending out the information for this via email. If you want to receive this information, please send me an email at: thisjournalname AT thiswebsite Dot com if you don’t have my regular email address.
Good: my life.
Bad: some of my friends lives.
I’ve recently been talking with an old friend. There is so much drama going on in his life that it is unreal. He had an affair for over a year with a girl 26 years his junior. Now he is going through a messy divorce for the girl. And the girl got mad at him and punched him in the face when she found out that *gasp* he has had sex with his wife during the course of the affair. But it’s ok because he deserved it because he cheated on her. *blink*
I… have no words.
Cleaning up and out.
My homeschool kid is working so I have to kill time apparently not working today so I am not going to be killing a bunch of time at ST. Instead I am going to frantically finish cleaning out the stuff I want to clean out and run over to his house. I will be home by about 3pm. Dear God I am so excited. Yay!!!
Freedom is calling!!!!
It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood!
Also known as the last day of school!!!
I would like to get out and be more social. I miss going to parties, but my bandwidth for large groups is likely to stay small for a while as I decompress from work. I am really interested in seeing people.
So! When/what/where would be interesting? Anyone want to see me? (Make the assumption that night time engagements will include Noah unless very specifically stated.) I’m not promising that I will meet absolutely every request for time, but I miss people lots and would like to get in some social time before my brain is sucked out again.
I’m big on goals, always have been. They keep me motivated and focused. I have several goals for this summer.
–Get homeowners insurance. (I can’t freakin believe we haven’t dealt with this yet.)
–Deal with school loan wackiness.
-Paint entire interior of my house.
-Figure out plans for remodelling and hopefully get started on it. [Multi-step process. Find a contractor/architect. Create plans. Figure out cost of plans. Revise plans (heh). Deal with bank paperwork for probable loan. Start construction.] Hopefully this process can be completed before school starts in August. That’s my hope.
-Figure out more optimal landscaping ideas and start implementing them.
-Fix hot tub.
-Fix door frame to garage.
-Mend all clothing that needs it. (Mostly buttons and hems.)
-Get out sewing stuff and see about making some clothing that I will like more than what I usually find in stores.
–Contact Noah’s aunt about getting a full matching set of dishes. Registered instead.
-Find a car that will please us both and purchase it.
-Get pregnant. (It’s a goal…)
-Figure out more optimal storage for alcohol.
-Earthquake proof more of the house.
-Play more.
-See more people.
-Have a couple of parties.
-Get into the habit of cooking more for Noah
-Live up to all D/s agreements with a cheerful attitude.
-Live up to my end of planning for TNG Con
Ok, that’s plenty for now. We’ll see how it goes…
Fuckin yay!
My principal is backing me up against the pscyho parents.
Many seniors have offered to buy me tickets to graduation because they want me to go. (One actually got a ticket for me and a ticket for Noah.)
My babies played “I never” with me during 3rd period and let me not admit just how many I had done, but the game was funny.
Most want me to sign their year books.
Kids brought me ice cream for breakfast.
A very sweet girl brought me flowers! Dude. She is failing the class, but she still loves me. I so win.
Mmmm sex poll
Of course this comes out of a conversation Noah and I were having. It would be lovely if ya’ll proved me right again.
Organization! Yay!
Next year I get to change how my room works. I’m very very excited. This year I didn’t have time to reorganize before the year. Plotting is keeping me busy.
See, I hate rows. Maybe when I get things set up I will post pictures because I’m dorky enough to think people might care.
Mom stuff
Well, saw my mother yesterday. She looks old and that was kind of weird to me. I realized that she isn’t going to be around much longer and that has made me start wondering what I should do about that if anything. We had dinner. I specifically wanted Noah there and at the last minute she invited my nephew as well. (Nephew in picture is not the same one as who went to dinner) Most of the time was spent with Noah and my nephew talking. I’m ok with that.
Due to aforementioned husband and nephew talking my mom and I didn’t say much to one another. It was sort of stuff and uncomfortable. She gave me a bunch of pictures of me as a baby that she doesn’t want to keep anymore. Wow, uhm, ok. I guess she saved the snapshots and she still has small versions of most of the pictures but she gave me the larger copies. I was an incredibly adorable small child and now I have evidence. I feel like her doing that is cementing her opinion that she and my siblings are not my family, my family consists of the people I have chosen. I’m tempted to bring one or more of the baby pictures to my adopted mom and my adopted dad in some weird symbolic gesture.
I freaked out about the very idea of seeing her before it happened and then it was… very anticlimactic. I suppose that is good. If I treat her with as much familiarity as I do my coworkers we can get through a conversation without fighting. Oh wait, I talk to my coworkers about more personal things than I do her.
Mom mentioned that she would like to come up to see my house but she doesn’t have the money to pay for the gas. She also gave me that very familiar “You want *what* from me?” look when I told her what her half of the bill for dinner was. Given my experience with my mother I believe she expected me to offer to give her gas money and to pay for dinner. After all, hadn’t I mentioned that I could afford to remodel my house because it isn’t big enough? I didn’t go there though. I just told her what she needed to pay and was silently grateful that she isn’t going to ask when she can come see my house.
Boundaries are hard.
Meme! (Sorry Jason)
I did this meme uhm, almost a month ago and I’m just living up to my end of it. Here you go!
Make a comment in this entry. I’ll go to your profile, pick 3 userpics and interests, and then you explain them in your journal. Include this text or not.
I don’t know what order I added them so uhm… explanations in a bunch.
The picture showing the teacher with “Lesson One” cracks me up. I found it in a teaching community.
The one showing the path through the trees is a picture I took while backpacking in Alaska. That was the dry creekbed super highway and it made my life soooooo much better for a while there. I think the picture turned out neat too.
The one of Ted looking out the window was also taken in Alaska in the crappiest hotel I have ever stayed in. But Ted enjoyed the view of the parking lot next to the bowling alley.
I was asked about these interests: the power of yay!, the stepstool, this year I’m pretty
The power of yay! I stole from friends because we are all very happy about the yays and I’m interested in there being more yay in the world! The stepstool was a prop used at a party I was at where fun stuff happened. Those of us who were at the party get it. No one else would. Lastly I stole this year I am pretty from a friend. A boy I met through dancing likes to say, “Every day I have a choice. I can be smart! Or I can be pretty! Today, I’m pretty!” I have changed that to indicate that I’m just not smart–ever. I don’t take it that seriously but it’s funny anyhow.
More kidlet stuff
Scanned through the course evaluations briefly. One kid said I should swear less. One kid said I should be less emotional. Two kids in my seventh period ripped me a new one saying that the class sucked and they hate me. Well, those two kids are the ones who want special treatment at all times about everything and I just won’t do it. (For those who know the stories: one was the girl who is in training to be a trophy wife.)
Other than that, people say my class was really good and they appreciate how much effort I put in. Not bad really.