Some of my answers are as such simply out of embarrasment for my lack of time-based memory. I honestly can’t tell you what the longest amount of time I spent having sex was because I didn’t make a note of when we started and stopped, and it’s not in my nature to remember such things.
You’re still a freak for wanting to know these things, but I mean that in a good way.
We are trying to determine how high above the median my sex drive is. I have further skewed that question to be: “among our friends group” fsvo friends group.
So what is the answer?
And really, I want to know if my and T’s schedule as it is counts as omg life stress, cause if it does… well somethings gotta change. Hrm.
Hmm, well I admit I’ve gotten kinda used to it. Not liking it, but used to it.
My sexual history is a weird thing and not easy or exactly comfortable to explain but I think if I did it would explain much… about whys and stuff. I think it would be cool if there was some website where people could post their sexual histories anonymously. Just so people could see what it’s like for other people. Simple questions of how much/often or how little are cool but personal whys and reasons surrounding those numbers would be so much more interesting to me than the numbers alone.
Some of my answers are as such simply out of embarrasment for my lack of time-based memory. I honestly can’t tell you what the longest amount of time I spent having sex was because I didn’t make a note of when we started and stopped, and it’s not in my nature to remember such things.
You’re still a freak for wanting to know these things, but I mean that in a good way.
Man, I may try to answer this poll, but dang those are some tough questions (you would not think it, but it is true) (for me, anyway).
You’ve got some horny friends there, lady. And I’m proud to count myself among them!:)
I filled out this poll in between acts of intercourse, then came back to comment. Do I win?
Yes, I think that counts as winning.
*grin* You rock so much.
all of my answers make me sad ’cause I’m not getting any :o(
Does having a partner who works and goes to school on a schedule not similar to mine count as omg life stress? Fricking life stress…..
Anyhoo, what are you trying to figure out girly?
We are trying to determine how high above the median my sex drive is.
I have further skewed that question to be: “among our friends group” fsvo friends group.
So what is the answer?
And really, I want to know if my and T’s schedule as it is counts as omg life stress, cause if it does… well somethings gotta change. Hrm.
For me, the inability to have sex at all near what my optimal level of sex would be OMG life stress.
I’m thinking that so far I don’t skew so far above the norm.
Hmm, well I admit I’ve gotten kinda used to it. Not liking it, but used to it.
My sexual history is a weird thing and not easy or exactly comfortable to explain but I think if I did it would explain much… about whys and stuff. I think it would be cool if there was some website where people could post their sexual histories anonymously. Just so people could see what it’s like for other people. Simple questions of how much/often or how little are cool but personal whys and reasons surrounding those numbers would be so much more interesting to me than the numbers alone.
And then there are those of us doing kinky things instead of sex. At least some of the time.
Indeed, but that is a lower percentage of my flist than one might think.