I’m big on goals, always have been. They keep me motivated and focused. I have several goals for this summer.
–Get homeowners insurance. (I can’t freakin believe we haven’t dealt with this yet.)
–Deal with school loan wackiness.
-Paint entire interior of my house.
-Figure out plans for remodelling and hopefully get started on it. [Multi-step process. Find a contractor/architect. Create plans. Figure out cost of plans. Revise plans (heh). Deal with bank paperwork for probable loan. Start construction.] Hopefully this process can be completed before school starts in August. That’s my hope.
-Figure out more optimal landscaping ideas and start implementing them.
-Fix hot tub.
-Fix door frame to garage.
-Mend all clothing that needs it. (Mostly buttons and hems.)
-Get out sewing stuff and see about making some clothing that I will like more than what I usually find in stores.
–Contact Noah’s aunt about getting a full matching set of dishes. Registered instead.
-Find a car that will please us both and purchase it.
-Get pregnant. (It’s a goal…)
-Figure out more optimal storage for alcohol.
-Earthquake proof more of the house.
-Play more.
-See more people.
-Have a couple of parties.
-Get into the habit of cooking more for Noah
-Live up to all D/s agreements with a cheerful attitude.
-Live up to my end of planning for TNG Con
Ok, that’s plenty for now. We’ll see how it goes…
FYI – if you get your homeowners and auto ins from the same company you get discounts on both. We used to have AAA for both, and we now have Allstate here I think.
I think you need to talk to Laura more…
*grin* Yeah, I think that needs to be a strong movement.
Good luck to you!
Oh! I need to talk to you! Uhm… I should call this afternoon.