Also known as the last day of school!!!
I would like to get out and be more social. I miss going to parties, but my bandwidth for large groups is likely to stay small for a while as I decompress from work. I am really interested in seeing people.
So! When/what/where would be interesting? Anyone want to see me? (Make the assumption that night time engagements will include Noah unless very specifically stated.) I’m not promising that I will meet absolutely every request for time, but I miss people lots and would like to get in some social time before my brain is sucked out again.
I would definitely like to hang out with one or both of you again, maybe for something chill like Scrabble or something.
Anyone want to see me?
Me! Me! (But that’s kind of a given
I’d like to see you, but my brain is fried and I currently don’t know when I’m likely to be free (except that I know I’m busy all this coming weekend.)
We’re in East Egypt, but we cook, and can put you up for the night, as I’ve mentioned previously. Congrats on the Last Day of School. I’m out today as well.
I cannot make actual plans at this moment, as I have no brain from the being at work thing, but I’d love to see you again. And I’d like to meet Noah in a non-host-of-a-party fashion some time.
Me too!
(Before I descend back into a bottomless pit of projects.)
Um, yes! What are you doing Saturday night?
No plans, what do you have in mind?
Rapidly talking to the B, hold the line, please.
Er, we got nothing, but he’s amenable to us manufacturing something if you’d be so inclined.
You could come over for dinner and play games with us. We’d likely barbeque and do mostly cool food things, but we have air conditioning so real cooking isn’t out of the question either.
Er duh.