Today I run away from home. I’m going north. I’m only go to be there for three days before Noah joins me. I think that is for the best because more than three days and we are pretty pathetic. I look forward to the time I am going to have with friends. I look forward to taking Noah on his first backpacking trip. I look forward to showing him Portland and Seattle as I feel very comfortable in both towns. Look! Stuff he hasn’t done! Squee! Maybe feeling consciously the things I am sharing will make me feel less twitchy about the stuff that he shares. Here’s to hope!
I will be back though. California, and specifically the bay area, is home. But running away from home can be fun at times.
Good for you! I wish I could come with (for the first three days, anyway). Portland and Seattle are now tops on my list of Places I Like To Be. But, alas, I have midterms this week.
Run away and have fun. We’ll still be here when you get back – unless, of course, The Big One happens to hit, and we all fall off into the ocean.
btw, just noticed your LJ remodeling. I like it.