Cause they have wifi at the rest stops. This so rocks.
I got to see a wonderful, gorgeous woman last night and talk to her for hours. I have lots of appreciation for such rare visits. Tonight I get to see *another* wonderful, gorgeous woman. My life–it does not suck.
Much missing of my Noah. Much thinking and smiling and enjoying the beautiful road. I am taking 101 all the way north instead of cutting over to 5 early on cause it’s prettier. There are still a bunch of Portland and Seattle folks I haven’t heard from so it looks like a bunch of this trip may consist of hanging out in random public places in Portland showing Noah around. I hope my memory is up to the task…
Mmm. Oregon.
Have fun! And yes, 101 is much prettier than 5. But then, a straight line surrounded by grass fields and billboards is not hard to beat. (:
We usually have kidlets with us, so OMSI is always on our ‘Portland places’ list. Right now, OMSI has an exhibit called BodyWorks that I’d love to see, but we probably won’t make it up there while it’s showing.
For natural sites, Kimmie, my (other) daughter says try Washington Park. The rose garden should be lovely right now, if you’re inclined to such. The Japanese gardens are also reputed to be gorgeous. She says the zoo is sad making. Interesting animals, and they attempt a “natural habitat” effect, but the enclosures are too small. And finally, there are the beaches – Seaside and Canyon are the two she always mentions.
In town, there’s often stuff happening around Pioneer Courthouse Square. The waterfront is another place where outdoor events are held. And, of course, there’s Powell’s City of Books. I could spends hours and days there, I think.
For food, we’ve always gone to the Pearl district. I can especially recommend Andina (Peruvian cuisine), Oba! (Latin American cuisine), and Eleni’s Philoxenia (omg-good Greek). You can find them all listed here: (I notice that site lists Oba! as Mediterranean, but the Oba! website says otherwise.) Kimmie recommends two spots in the NW – Justa Pasta (Italian, duh…) and Saint Cupcakes (only cupcakes, but apparently worth a trip) – and one spot in the SE – Montage (Cajun with attitude, but good food.)
Sweet! Washington has those too. They also offer free coffee!
I was amazed… why don’t we have those in California? It seems like we barely have rest stops!