Lack of sleep catches up with me and leads to feeling really really shitty. Today’s bad loop tape: all the people who hate me.
I wish there weren’t so many of them. I wish I didn’t feel so responsible for them hating me. I wish I didn’t feel like they hate me because I am just such a horrible/bad person and I deserve to be hated.
oh please, your way more popular than I am
Knowing and feeling are sometimes two different things. And just because one knows love doesn’t mean you can’t feel bad about the hate.
Just sayin’.
I hope you get a chance to get some good solid sleep. It doesn’t make the bad feelings go away… unless it does. but even if the bad feeling don’t go away, Enough Sleep is good for making it easier to cope.
*faraway hugs, wish I were closer*
You are no more responsible for them hating you than you are for them hating others. You are a STRONG personality. Being such will make people opinion’s and emotions about you powerful. You will evoke both ends of the spectrum, as well as all points between. As one who is hated by many, I would like to point out that the opposite is equally true. You are truly admired, respected, and LOVED by many.
If you want a count on those people, you can start with me. I adore you. And think you are one of the best people I know.
When you stop hating yourself then you’ll stop being concerned about other people who may hate you.
In any case if someone actually hates you (other than yourself) there’s not much you can do about it. You can only be yourself and live your life.
Meanwhile I want to ask you what purpose hating yourself serves for you. What function does it fill?
What she said
This is really a good question. Thank you. I will be thinking about this one a lot.
Oh, feeling a bit better after sleep.
You’re welcome.
Put me on the list of people that adore you…and think of snuggles.
Is it a bad thing that you inspire intense emotions? Would you rather the world be indifferent?
I really appreciate this response. Indifference is something I don’t abide very well and I need to think about some of my reactions because of that.
There are people who hate you?
I’m much more here with the luvvin’s not hatin’s, Dear.
You are many things, including bitchy at times (who isn’t?), but you are so very much loved, and not “deserving of being hated.”
for the record, we don’t hate you at all, not even a little tiny bit!
Re: btw…
OK, maybe a teensy weensy bit ’cause I didn’t get to see you at the BBQ. ;-(