So little time and so much to do. I actually do this sort of thing to myself on purpose. Many of the things on my To Do list have been there for months, but I only get around to doing them when I have a huge bunch of people who will notice if I have done them or not. The funny thing is–people will notice the really drastic stuff (the house being painted a bunch of very different, very dark colors) but no one but me will notice many of these things. I still care that I want to hang the pictures before the party. I want to feel settled in that way at the party. There is no way that we will be finished with painting before the party, but Noah has requested that I fix the bathroom because it is really badly painted. (The kids just skipped parts they didn’t feel like doing. The paint is incredibly uneven and you can see white wall through big chunks.) Looks like I will spend tomorrow doing that.
Noah told me last night that I should take today off and rest but I fiercely argued with him that if I take today off and I start running behind later in the week then I won’t be able to finish on time and then I will be not sleeping the nights before the event as I try to finish and… All bad. But then we didn’t get out of bed today until around 10. It is very rare for us to stay in bed so long. I’m exhausted and there aren’t very many parts of me that don’t hurt. I have a list of stuff to get done that is growing instead of getting shorter despite the fact that Noah rocks and has been working like mad.
Side bar–Noah and I don’t have the same values or priorities about housekeeping even slightly. Nevertheless he has been working very hard lately to meet and exceed my desires for our house. I’m deeply grateful that he is stretching himself in this way because it means I don’t have to do everything. It is a weird cognitive thing to wrap my head around that he is doing this stuff for *me* instead of just because it “should get done.” He is such a lovely boy.
Anyway, so I’m exhausted and grumpy and fussy and there are miles to go before I sleep.
Alternative to Students
In case you need it. My realtor has a guy who has a work crew of painters. The realtor calls them painting ninjas. Time estimate for a house of 850 sq feet was 2 nights. ~$1500, including paint, for two tone. Let me know if you want the contact info. I can put you in touch with my agent to see if they can do it.
Re: Alternative to Students
Holy shit. Thank you for the offer, but I can handle it. (I’m holy shitting cause that amount of money is why I had kids do it. Including buying them food I’m at way under that estimate with way more colors of paint.) The touch ups aren’t that significant. It’ll take me probably 3-4 hours in each room with set up and clean up.
Whats your plan for Thursday?
I need to get away from some of my projects…gonna check with my sweetie, and if you and her are both okay with it, I’ll come down and help you for 8-10 hours on Thursday.
Re: Whats your plan for Thursday?
oh, and if you need me to bring tools/tarps/brushes/picture hanging level etc, let me know.
Re: Whats your plan for Thursday?
Hmmmm. My friend Anna is going to be in town starting on Thursday (we’ve been friends for 10 years and I haven’t seen her in almost 2 years) so I won’t be able to spend allllll day on it. By Thursday I will actually be way close to done. I’m not going to be doing painting so close to the party.
If you wanted to come down the week after so we could fix the paint I would say sure.
Before the party (at this point) I’m just putting my house back in order and it’s mostly fussy stuff. (Moving furniture, fixing the toilet because it has an annoying slow leak, cleaning the bathroom and kitchen, setting up tables, organizing stuff, washing windows, etc.)
She doesn’t arrive until 1pm and I could probably be a meanie and tell her to take bart to Fremont.
Re: Whats your plan for Thursday?
Its up to you, not sure I’ll have time to help in the coming weeks, but if by tonight you feel like you could use my help for three or four hours thursday morning, let me know (email or phone, either works)