*fan self* 15 Replies I know I’m late to the game, but I’ve discovered Kushiel’s Dart. I’ll be in my bunk.
satyrlovesong 02/08/2007 at 17:31 Oh dear. If I had known sooner, I would have given you one of our copies (I think we have four). Reply ↓
Krissy Gibbs Post author02/08/2007 at 22:51 Noah owns the series. I just tend to avoid massively popular things on principle. Sometimes this is foolish. Reply ↓
baileythorne 02/08/2007 at 17:54 I just read her two most recent books… all 5 are good. It’s an addiction. Enjoy Reply ↓
noirem 02/08/2007 at 23:07 I didn’t like the new series much based on the first book and now I’ve boxed both it and the second book away so *shrugs* I’ll get around to it eventually. Reply ↓
Krissy Gibbs Post author02/08/2007 at 22:52 It’s like Les Liasons Dangeruese meets the Beauty series. Intrigue, politics, bdsm, hot sex, manipulation, homoeroticism… oh yeah. It’s good. Reply ↓
ditenebre 02/08/2007 at 23:19 **perk** What am I thinking about …. grad school …. job hunt …. no time to read …. darn. Reply ↓
Krissy Gibbs Post author02/08/2007 at 23:37 When you have time, I’ll lend you the books. Of course this has to be after I finish them. At the rate I’m going you can have them in about 6 days. Reply ↓
angelbob 10/08/2007 at 04:53 Turned out I was semi-wrong. I have books two and three, but there are actually five. Do you have the last two? Reply ↓
Oh dear. If I had known sooner, I would have given you one of our copies (I think we have four).
Noah owns the series. I just tend to avoid massively popular things on principle. Sometimes this is foolish.
I just read her two most recent books… all 5 are good. It’s an addiction. Enjoy
I didn’t like the new series much based on the first book and now I’ve boxed both it and the second book away so *shrugs* I’ll get around to it eventually.
About damn time
You will enjoy the series. Have fun with that.
Yup. Gooooood reads, that series.
What’s it about?
It’s like Les Liasons Dangeruese meets the Beauty series. Intrigue, politics, bdsm, hot sex, manipulation, homoeroticism…
oh yeah. It’s good.
What am I thinking about …. grad school …. job hunt …. no time to read …. darn.
When you have time, I’ll lend you the books. Of course this has to be after I finish them. At the rate I’m going you can have them in about 6 days.
Ooo, sounds good. Thank you!
Yes, you will. Let me know if you need the sequels.
Nope. Got ’em. But thanks!
Turned out I was semi-wrong. I have books two and three, but there are actually five. Do you have the last two?