In other news.

I have 2A for certain. This is massively good news as I have been really unhappy about the prospect of teaching lockstep grade level sophmore English. This means freedom for my curriculum (uhm, within basic constraints of course). This means I get to push hard in a class full of fairly capable kids.

I can work with this. Lit circles. We are totally going to do lit circles. Oh the books I can make them read!

7 thoughts on “In other news.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      The kids are divided into groups of 3-4 then they have to choose a book from a pre-selected list. Then they have to read the book as a group while taking fairly generic tests on the content. Then they teach the book to the class. It’s a way of exposing a class to a wide array of information from books without having to read all of them. It isn’t the same as reading all of the books, but some exposure is better than none.


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