I’m in my classroom. It’s still messy and unsettled but beginning to take shape. I have this whole week to figure out my year plans (ok, remind myself of the Junior plan and create the Sophomore plan) and get copies done for the first couple of weeks of school.
And of course I get to hear the oh-so-fabulous drum line over and over. It’s strangely comforting.
It’s kind of strange. On one hand I’m nervous because last year was so absolutely amazing and difficult; can I duplicate, or even better–improve the amazing? I’m taking down the enormous American flag from the corner of one wall because honestly it doesn’t help create the visual appearance I want my classroom to have. It feels trite.
No more procrastination. (Yay new teaching icons!)
Yay you!
And you should so get that “I will not yell in class” icon made into a poster for your room (or not).