A student just bounded into my room (think Tigger) exclaimingly loudly, “I got you! I got you!” Then he grabbed me in a big hug.
You can’t see it, but I think my face is about to split open I’m grinning so wide. I love my job.
A student just bounded into my room (think Tigger) exclaimingly loudly, “I got you! I got you!” Then he grabbed me in a big hug.
You can’t see it, but I think my face is about to split open I’m grinning so wide. I love my job.
Run through walls for you, I swear.
Remember to use this power only for good. Or consider coaching football…
Awww…that is awesome!
You *so* win
As I read this, I got a huge grin on my face, too. Thanks!