One year ago today Noah and I snuck off from the lovely B&B in Lake Tahoe and went and got married. It was with little fanfare as such things go, but strangely it is the most appropriate way I can imagine for us to get married. There have been a few moments when I am somewhat wistful thinking, “I wish I had the sort of family where having a big wedding would have been fun and a positive experience,” but considering the families we have I am glad we made the decision we did. Honestly, as much as I love my friends, I don’t feel like anyone is that big of a part of my direct day-to-day life other than Noah. I like that our wedding reflected the way our life actually works.
I love Noah so much that sometimes I feel like I am drowning in it. I enjoy his silliness, his seriousness, his playfulness, his focus, his lustfullness… The list is long. He is my best friend. He is the person I most want to talk to about any silly or important thing that happens. I’m happy that I never feel like I want to keep things from him. (Ok, sometimes I do for about half a day when I’m upset at him for some reason, but it never lasts.) I’m happy that we work through intense issues and come out the other side appreciating one another more. I’m grateful that even in the middle of a fierce fight we can stop and do something to affirm to the other that it is just a fight and not something that hurts our general feelings for the other. I am amazed that he is able to see so many parts of me and never judge me harshly for them. I am grateful that I don’t feel the need to withhold levels of trust.
I’m glad that we have sufficiently disproved any doubts anyone may have had about us getting married because we had to. And anyone who was in a betting pool that we wouldn’t make it a year… sorry about losing your money. No wait… nevermind. I’m not sorry.
I’m quite happy in fact.
*And* he’s perfectly content with just me? Boy did I never think that would happen. It’s just another day in Paradise.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaay! I couldn’t be happier.
Mazel Tov. (:
Congrats! I’m so happy you’re happy …
I never heard that you got married because you had to or of any bets that you wouldn’t last a year.
Remember to let us know when you run out of pennies :o)
Technically the only person I know of who cast aspersions upon our reasons for marrying was my mother.
It’s still kind of funny.
I do still believe there has to be a snotty betting pool out there somewhere. Of course you wouldn’t hear about it as you are a known ally.
That whole, “Holy shit–we’ve been friends more than 1/2 our lives…” thing.
Yay! Congratulations!
I am soooooo happy for you, sweetie. Even though I was momentarily disappointed to hear you had run off and gotten married without us (the collective us), I agree — it was absolutely right for you and Noah. And then you humored us by giving us the opportunity to attend your wedding reception (albeit somewhat later after the ceremony than most) at which much fun was had. Yay for one year!!! Yay for a lifetime!!!
Yay! Congratulations!
Some of us — a lot of us, I think — said oh, excellent, they’re perfect for each other.
Noah points out that your husband said, “They’ll be fine as long as they don’t both freak out at the same time.”
So we take turns.
I even let him have a turn today.
Yay you two!!!! Much love.
Congratulations to you both!