Since Miss Jenny brought it up…
367 pennies.
17 nickels.
2 dimes.
1 quarter.
I could tell you what all of the different numbers mean, but that would be no fun.
Since Miss Jenny brought it up…
367 pennies.
17 nickels.
2 dimes.
1 quarter.
I could tell you what all of the different numbers mean, but that would be no fun.
Heh ….. based on the … unfortunate (*blush*) … timing of a recent phone call, they may come out a lot faster than they went in. (Well, it was the middle of the afternoon, after all, AND I was getting back to you with an answer on something. How was I supposed to know?
Obviously, the coins represent: one hole at a time, two holes at a time, three holes at a time and four holes at a time, respectively. How’d your nostril feel the next day?
“Hey Frank, show us your only virgin orifice!” – RHPS, shouted line
“Fuck him. Right in the ear!” – South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut
Anyway, haven’t you ever heard (ahem) of an eargasm?